H90 2pc buff - Hybrid builds?

So… I feel lazy coming back to this game to test it myself, so I’ll trust the words of my fellow barbros:

Is there any hybrid build which uses H90 2pc worth mentioning?

I’ve think been about this long and hard and I have something up my sleeves, but I need to farm some specific items and do some testing before I start sprouting off at the mouth.

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To my knowledge, the only barbarian set that can be combined with H90 is IK. So that is where you can start theorycrafting.


Thanks Captain!!! If only it was that Obvious to the rest of us. You should create a sheet that confirms and supports you’re data. You might have some skeptics.


Since Hadd and you did not mention this, I was trying to be helpful. Your post seemed to suggest that you worked out a secret interesting hybrid build, but as you mention the hybrid H90 2 piece build is obvious in that it only combines with IK.


Only thing I can think of is hybrid HotA. Drop mortics, wear BotfM, cube shoulders of fury. Replace CoE with rorg, wear H90 shoulders and something else.

So, it’s worth it IF:

Double shouts>Morticks
Double damage against stunned/frozen>CoE

That’s a big if, to me…but we can test in about a week.

Edit: actually a better option would be to keep CoE, drop EW instead. This let’s you wear FoT, and also you can sync up your freezes/stuns with your CoE cycles.

Once again, though, it’s going to be squishy AF, and still not as strong as LoD HotA.

Edit2: it sounds like I’m whining. Diversity is good, and if the hybrid is even +/-5 GR’s from the basic build, it’s still a good thing.

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No welcomes your form of help. Here’s the problem, if it isn’t obvious to you already, you’re regarded as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. If a successful hybrid build is created, you’ll be front and center to to speak out against it, if it’s not to your liking or “standard”. And if it still isn’t obvious, as far as your “help” is concerned, thanks, but no thanks.


There’s already a thread about micro in GD. Take it there. If you don’t like what he’s saying, you can ignore, we don’t need to derail every topic he posts in.


I thought I made myself loud and clear…


I am surprised that you haven’t gotten help from a post from Free yet. He likes to chime on these types of threads to provide aid. He is around since he liked DieHarder’s post.

After that scolding I gave you…

This just goes to show that you’re not here to help, but you’re here to self-serve. You thrive off of attention and negative attention at that. You’re here hovering around this thread desperately trying to get a response from Free. I have two words for you: Shameless Troll


He does like to provide advice. As you noted my comments were obvious, presumably he or other barb experts can be more helpful than I was on hybrid H90 builds.

Everyone has different skill sets and strengths/weaknesses. I am humble enough to acknowledge that he does some things better than I. An easy example is that he is better at English grammar and composition.

Would you believe me if I told you that several of us in the Barb community are setting up a private thread by other means to test H90 Hybrids, a thread Free of your interjections and tampering. YOU will be the last to know about it this Hrybrid. :grin:


Could be busy and just reading threads on a phone. Easy to +1 someone.

I still wish we had the downvote button. Some folks could table how many they have compared to everyone else (answer = lots more :upside_down_face:)

On topic I tested HotA with 2pc of H90 pre stun effect being added. Once the new patch goes live I’d like to retest with the ammy that doubles stun duration.

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Hadn’t thought of that. Might actually give a reason for that item to exist.

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This would in place of FoT? I’ve thought about that shield that does the same (1.5 seconds) along with S&B passive (maybe this one not so much, but it did cross my mind).

Dovu energy trap increases stun duration by 25%. Not sure this outweighs FoT, we’ll have to see.

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Right. Actually, I’ve tested IK Hybrid HotA in PTR with GS. But at that time, they didn’t at stun.

P2600, str 20000, I did some 120 runs. It is around 13 min. I mean not bad. As it double Bloodshed and stun will double dmg in the coming patch, I believe it is definitely better than previous IK HotA. It should be close to LoD HotA.

Any well placed conduit will make FoT the BiS. The amulet its just too strong

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Well that’s encouraging. I’m mostly worried about mitigation though. I don’t see any room for Warcry or IP, so all that’s left is BoM and TaO. Compare that to LoD which is practically drowning in mitigation (BoM, TaO, Morticks, LoD bonus, Aquilla, and SG) .

Totally agree. It’s worth something like 30% damage. Very hard to beat.