Well boys just in. Looks like we have a new world barb solo record. 148 in 12:53.
This time makes it look as though 150 is doable. And 146 in 13:51 on season was cleared as well.
EDR is very good, particularly in the configuration Chris described in his reply. It’s just hard to get it and your other needed rolls in an optimal configuration.
In before the Fun Police wind up the Hate Machine. Can’t wait to see posts about “balance” aided by charts that spell out nothing of consequence.
Was that non-Season? What was the Paragon, main stat, Augs, gem levels, and gear quality? I can guess, but I want verification.
I would disregard the Season clear since that’s boosted by the Season theme.
Ugh, wish you hadn’t said that lol. Have a look at my chest… I could have had the dream chest you describe, but instead opted for the range dmg reduction secondary over EDR. Ugh, I kinda regret it now, but needed the strength given my low paragon.
It is on the Korean server. 11.2k and I can’t see his build as his farming gear is on.
It is the same guy that had the old 147 record from earlier this era.
@Blayze. We all learn from silly mistakes like that. My first ever primal was a band of might and rolled crit/crit/str. Guess what I did? I rolled the secondary. Would have had an open roll to whatever 3rd stat I wanted as gearing changed over time. And honestly at your paragon that was likely the best move. Band of might makes defensive rolls a lot less important.
Don’t sweat it. Remember, melee and ranged DR also reduce the damage from certain elite affixes, so you’re still going to get a lot of bang for your buck. Besides, we prioritize DPS stats in the build–toughness rolls are in the back seat.
Gotcha. So far, Blizzard doesn’t seem worried what 11K Paragon players can do as they don’t represent the vast majority of players. But I’m sure the Fun Police will try to use this clear, as they used other top clears, as justification to launch their silly crusade.
But Free, one person cleared 147, so therefore that’s the power of the build that everyone should be doing, am I right?!?!
Confirmed everyone will be plowing 147s
Sure, but blizzard has stated that they attempt to balance around 5k@130 for solo for the average player. Some will be above that and some below. To compare I have done 136@5k on barb. Most decent WD and Sader are around 140@5k and they are the reason 4man metas are plowing 150s sub 5 minutes. So by that standard WD and sader would be first on the list to be adjusted. They both will still be even or above rend in solo. Monk is slightly behind barb and necro/DH are getting adjustments as we speak. For wizard well they need to bring back prenerf vrys or something closer to the first version. You also need to account for the quantity of fishing wwrend requires. Yes there is now a 148 wwrend but he is 11.2k. At what paragon is 150 clears exceptable? 15k/18k/20k? At some point these levels will be achieved easily and blizzard wont be able to do anything because 150 cap can not be changed
The top solo ww/rend barbarian clear in non-season is now GR 148 in 12 minutes and 53 seconds @ 11,220 paragon.
I suspect that he is now fishing for GR 150.
Alright fellas, I put my son to sleep for his afternoon nap and decided to push a new personal record - GR 136 complete!
I made four mistakes:
First death pulling mobs, both BoM + Wrath had expired and I got popped by exploding ice, arcane laser and fatties.
Second death also pulling mobs, I was getting too excited and forgot to refresh Wrath.
I forgot a blue Mother on the first map, but luckily I still managed to get it down.
Messed up early in RG fight trying to pull him up and died my third death.
Overall, it was not the cleanest of runs, but I got it done. I prepared a few weeks upping gems to augment and snagged a few upgrades along the way.
This attempt was a 12-key run. Happy looting and Spin to Win!
Nicely done. Some good spear work in the heaven / pillar area. Lovely conduit.
wow that’s really nice, Seras! Congratulations!
12 keys, what?
Very big grats to my barb bro and clan mate. You had a great first map. Fatties with a perfect spawned condi. Then a decent follow up allowed you to close it right away. See dude I finally got you to do a little prep work and you go off and almost beat my time. NA rank#27/World rank#171 for you
I started throwing keys at 139s just to get a feel for what mobs I would even be able to do it with. Its pretty much down to fattie/zombie/ghost/god comp. Didn’t see any small spiders or swarms which probably wil be great as well.My best run was a fester with god comp and spawned a power at a terrible spot. Finished the first map even but no luck on the follow up map. Yah for trying to do what Rage talked me into. lol!!!
I suspect you missed my point, but good luck to him.
Thx all, I’m going to work on finishing my 150 augs and up my paragon for next era. The hunt continues, may the RNG gods smile upon your rifts.
Funny thing about that first map was that right off the bat I started pulling the mobs the wrong way. I didn’t even notice until I hit the wall and was like what the heck am I doing?! lol!
For the math wizzes out there, I noticed I thinned out the herd a lot before taking the condi. I had a long run to the next level with a pretty empty map, save for the one Blue I forgot to drag. Would I have saved more time by taking that condi sooner to clear the trash and elites? Or does thinning the herd work better?
Congrats Seras!
I could feel your excitement as you spawned that condi and then the 4 packs right after lol. Battlefields/Warlock = icing on the cake.
It’s funny I watched the video first before reading the rest of the thread, and I was thinking the exact same thing as you mention above… felt you were overdoing it on the thinning before hitting the condi (I think you actually even killed a pack) only because the map was ending and so you’d waste condi-time walking to the exit - but hey it worked out cause you had that straggler mother lol
Hindsight is 20/20 and you played it well. Really impressive ranking given your relatively lower paragon level. Well done!
I got a 130 in season done last night. I was on floor two with some elites and saw a power pylon, thinking I was near the end of the floor hit it, returned left killed three elites. Running back up and a conduit spawned directly right of the power. I grabbed it and cleared the rest of the floor on to to the next one and it was awful. I got the RG to spawn with 4:30 left and it was Rime on a bad map that got me a few times but was able to get him down.
Hi everyone. I’ve been following for a while and wanted to thank you all for a great guide and community with lots of great advice. You guys have inspired me to really push my WWbarb this season.
I’m a pretty casual player, and I’m at just 1600 paragon this season. I have been fishing for a GR127 for a while and have spent 100+ keys. I decided to start recording some of my runs, so that I could improve my gameplay and maybe get some feedback. I’ve been close a couple of times, and felt that it was doable, but I have also been quite frustrated from time to time and have been close to giving up.
But then last night I got this amazing run. I started out on an Arreat Crater, but it had Vile Swarms, so I decided to give it at try. Then next two maps were back-to-back Festering Woods - the first one even had very well-placed Conduit!
Everything was going great and the ending was absolutely priceless! I wont ruin it for you, just check out the video: