[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

Barbarians: banging weights and lifting hot chicks

Do you even rift, bro?

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GR 121 down in 14:15.

GR122 down in 14:13.

Both were looking like missing out on time until both runs got open third floor with Conduit pylons. Makes such a huge difference.

If I can manage to squeeze out one more level it would be enough to Rank 900+ for season…interesting target lol


Well done!

If your goal is to END the season on the ladder you’ll probably need GR124.

Damn, on EU you need a GR124 in under 12 min 55 sec just to get rank 1000.

To add, to get on the 4 man non-season leaderboard in EU you need GR 150 in less than 12 minutes. In the US region, rank #1000 is GR 138.

Just to be on the leader board at any time would be cool. I haven’t done it since the first day of a season when leap quake was still a viable thing lol

Although given my luck with map RNG, 123 might be out of reach at this stage.

I think last time I looked, 1,000 was GR 122 in about 12:50’ish. 123 was low 900’s, but I noticed the slowest 123 on the board was 14:58, by someone with over 2K paragon. So I am about 750 paragon behind him lol

And can anyone other than the lying troll tell me why the lying troll is answering questions, that absolutely no one asked?

I did a 122 this season with no augments and managed to do a 127 without fishing after augmenting gear. I do not play a lot in groups so a high paragon would be out of the question for me. I would like to play in groups but I am just not a fan of zdps in an arpg at all and the only Barb invites I ever see are for zdps. I would like to dps in higher GRs, but I get it.

I just chill running GR95s with this and have my time down to 1:40 a lot:

I can’t include links in my posts for some reason so I put a space in.

Does it appear like Savages may become an RGK (that would actually get me to play more in groups) or should I just learn zdps if I want to play in groups? I have tried zdps in the past, it isn’t bad but it just bores me that I feel like I am doing nothing.

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If you wanna play in organized groups, you’ve gotta zbarb. I know you how feel, I don’t find it fun at all, so I just mostly stick to public groups which are largely inefficient and frustrating.

I think in the upcoming season with the Sader nerf, Savages may emerge as a viable RGK (along with nerfed Sader and maybe even Impale DH), but I wouldn’t hold my breath. The new DH set may supplant Zbarb in meta - so barbs may not have a place at all lol.

We’ll see what happens, unlikely I’ll stick around after this season and I don’t play organized groups so it doesn’t impact me either way, but would suck to see barbs lose their spot in the group meta.

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No matter what happens Frenzy,impale,AOV, and possibly another necro build will be very close for RGK bragging rights now. I still think AOV will be #1 but by a smaller margin. Maybe 30 seconds over the others on a 150 RG kill.

The problem with most players when they start playing zbarb is confidence. You are use to playing lower rifts so when you get invited to a 140+it can be kinda a shock. Just remember you only change your play based on the group your playing with not the lvl your trying to clear. Another thing based on your comment, If you are playing zbarb correctly you can not possibly be bored. You should always be playing groups in discord or whatever you run. This is not optional if you want you get re-invites. Higher paragon players want good players that can communicate. Only way you can prove that is to use coms. Second thing is to understand the zbarbs roll to the group. You are the leader always. You decide where to stop and when to go and your sader can help you make these decisions because he will be helping you pull trash. The WD and zmonk/necro should not be making these decisions because they can not see what is on the map. The zbarb and sader are pulling trash and communicating with the WD if and when he can start his cycle. There is a lot more to playing zbarb then just pulling trash and hitting flag here and there. YOU ARE THE LEADER AND MAKE 95% OF THE DECISIONS IN THE RIFT. And final thing is your paragon as zbarb means nothing. If you got the skills you can zbarb you just need to be aggressive and not be scared when high paras need a zbarb.

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Chris, it’s funny that you are mentioning about zbarb now!

I was shopping around for a zbarb build a few days ago. Didnt like the playstyle of the raekor furious charge. So i chanced upon your zbarb (Arnold) on your profile, and copied it!

The ww style of your zbarb complements the GR solo playstyle of the zodiac rend, so the more i play the zbarb, the better i get at rage flipping mobs.

However, I got so much to learn on group meta, i.e. when to pull ahead to aggro, when to stay, when to activate pylons, etc. It is very intimidating! How to be a leader, when i am unsure of what I’m supposed to do?

The build you see there is for the meta with a necro instead of a zmonk. The necro brings frailty for executioner is not needed in the cube. That cube slot is opne so I just like the speed of EF the best. You also use falter with necro metas as the necro makes unlimited globes and grim harvest is not needed.
With zmonk meta you use executioner and wrenching smash-grim harvest.

I’ve been looking for what these adjustments are might be and turns out that it’s the obvious, AD. After some thorough testing, I’ve figured how to incorporate AD to my style of play and I’m pleased with the results. I truly believe that this adjustment is going to get me to 130 or higher. I’ve got to clean my mules of 30 or so Bovie/Cow Town levels then I’m going to push with this adjustment. :slightly_smiling_face:

Got a decent quad glove the other day running speeds. It was sitting in my inventory unid’d for a few nights and voila! This helped me run 4 dps passives and better manage my wrath cooldown to remove boon. Happy hunting y’all. :v:


Had a couple of cracks at 123, can’t beat the timer. Going to play around and see if I can squeeze in some more AD tonight, and try that.

Did have a really weird combination of maps last night that had only one pylon spawn, and it was a speed pylon. Was very strange to see no other pylons through the maps.

You don’t really need AD for 123 (although it certainly helps).

If you can’t beat the timer, it’s probably a dps issue.

Your gear is generally ok, but I’d suggest a few tweaks:
-replace your legs and boots for ancient pieces with Resist All (easy to find)
-replace shoulder with CDR & Rend/Area Damage.
-replace gloves with strength, crit, CHD and Area Damage/CDR.

With the increased defense, you should be able to face tank more aggressively.

If you’re not dying much I’d swap Nerves for Berserker or Brawler for more dps.

Thanks for the tips, although unlikely to see much in the way of new gear before the season ends.

I did have Rend on the shoulders, but found I was right on the bubble for Wrath cooldown, so when I augmented a few new pieces a switched to CDR. This seemed to give me much better Wrath flow, without dropping my DPS noticeably.

I am not dying at all, although Nerves may proc once or twice during a Rift. Maybe worth going in without it and seeing if one of the other offensive passives helps.

If it’s only proccing once or twice then it’s a waste. 2 deaths only amounts to a few seconds of penalty.

OK, will have another go without it, and see how it goes.

I’ll probably die a million times now… :rofl: