Yup, but it’s incredibly easy to maintain perma-Wrath. I push with shoulders that have AD + Rend, and my Band of Might (worn) is crit/crit/str, so I’m missing 2 potential CDR rolls and it’s never an issue. Just don’t go nuts with Stomp lol
I think this could also be one of my issues. I am not fantastic at watching buff/debuffs, the down side of playing while doing other things and not really concentrating completely.
Hi, my final push in current patch was succesfull today. Im just 4.5k paragon NS with gems 140-139-138. I had TS: Demoralize on bar instead spear, boss was Versalius without pylon on him. I had much luck probably but whatever, its clear.
I was totaly nuts with TS and HC Rend, actualy i spam everything like no tommorow and didnt pay attention at coe this time
If You just started rend focus on some AD equipment and cast hard rend on them. Its really no big deal and its just easy. In early 110 to ultimate push it just faster then no ad rend.
My best speed setup is BK/CC2/W5 with sprint and hurricane - this cold whirlwind is like auto spear in lower content, im running 115’s in 4-5 minutes constantly. U can check my current outfit for this on my profile (europe).
About 130+ pushes Free posted already everything, i just wanted to share my 115 sprint setup with autopull and awesome movement speed.
(thanks MeteorBlade, now i know how to do it
Second case - I wonder how much ppl play push without spear like me. I never had enough patience to deal with this skill, never learned how to use this like pro streamers. Still i closed 136 with 4,5k paragon, maby its time to learn how to spear them so ill be able to clear 1 tier more? Im not very skilled, i make my chars as easy to play as possible and precision aiming with spear is not easy for me.
I also got question here - considering i have like ~1300 physical resist and two rollable slots in secondaries on my bracers and armor. Should i go for 14% meele from this slots? I saw peoples roll 210 phy resist instead 7% meele. And two rolls like this is 14% reduction or it have dimnishing returns?
This all is about non-seasonal barbarian.
Sry again for my english, hope u understand me
Prior to this season, I’d never bothered with spear either. For speeds / farming, I don’t bother with it as stuff dies too quickly to need it. However, at higher GRs I learned to use it to create huge density which a well placed pylon can absolutely destroy. (I tend to switch in Spear at GR120 and above).
I’m looking forward to the end of S19 on Sunday, as I’ll be able to amalgamate the primals I have on my seasonal and non-seasonal WW Barbs to see how far I can push with the combined gear and a few hundred extra paragon. Around 2450 seasonal / 3250 non-seasonal ends up about 3650. I’ve also got a bag-full of rank 125 gems in my seasonal stash that I can apply to the non-seasonal gear.
[ EDIT ]
Here we go, got a GR128 done… https://i.imgur.com/IVQVKlf.jpg
Well at NS mode things can be harder without all this season buffs falling from heaven. But not so much i hope
My gameplan is always actually same but today i playd like a newbie, without coe control, pulls, cooldowns control and all this things, i just killd stuff on my way and i clear’d it with Versalius in the end. Last 200 keys i burn’d at this tier i tried my best and always ended up with my head between my knees
136 was rended when i stop’d to care (at ns), so maby this is a special techniqe to deal with such a fat content
I don’t get the lower dmg multiplier with x1. 63 at the second option. I understand that CoE and MoC are missing but what about the additional dmg multiplier of Crimsons? With set Boni I could have 77% CDR = add. Dmg.
77%? You sure about that? Are you using Leoric’s Crown and Gogok, or something?
The numbers in those setups come from CoE’s 1.5 multiplier, MoC’s 1.25 multiplier, and an assumed crimson multiplier of 1.63 (63% CDR, which is how much CDR you’re likely to have if you haven’t given up other, better rolls in various places).
So for the first one 1.5 * 1.25 = 1.875
For the second one 1.63 = 1.63
and for the third one 1.63 * 1.5 = 2.44
Thanks for the detailed answer. I would have 57% of my adjusted equipment (my current profile only shows 46% I think). The 57% plus crimson set bonus 20% are 77% in total?
Anyway, Crimson without CoE doesn’t make much sense.
It seems the is no way to either sacrifice dmg or defense
Yes Rage is correct. 63% is the easy max to achieve with 60% being the better value as other rolls are worth more then 3% damage or better off used on vit/resist/str rolls.
CDR works multiplicatively… so if you had 57% CDR on your sheet, and then you added in 20% from Crimson, you’d have 65.6%.
Think of it like this: you have a skill with a 100 second cooldown. 57% CDR removes 57 seconds from this, so now you have a 43 second cooldown. If you get another 20% CDR, it takes away 20% of this 43 second cooldown, i.e. 8.6 more seconds removed, so now you have a 34.4 second cooldown.
If you compare your original 100 second cooldown with your final 34.4 second cooldown, you can see you’ve removed 65.6 seconds from that original, i.e. the cooldown is reduced by 65.6%.
Hope that’s helpful.
Also, keep in mind that when the new patch drops, changes to Mantle will make it much less appealing, and that “first” setup will probably switch over to Stone Gauntlets for extra defense.
It will almost make mantle unusable. Every time you hardcast its a one second cooldown basically. They should just reverse the mantle change because its a nerf to builds that don’t need changes. Not a big issue for me as i’m crimson full time but for season players this is a nerf to wwrend and a few other classes builds. Bazooka is dead either way.
Got it now and also for the hint with Mantle. Thanks a lot Rage.
I know the recommendation regarding Crimson and Paragon lvls but I dislike the upcoming change for Mantle, so I will try to switch to Crimson with CoE asap
Sure, give it a go, you may find yourself dying a lot though, as BoM adds a ton of toughness.
Actually, come to think of it, I’m not sure we’re getting that much out of Mantle now. Because of the way Ambo-Rends and HC Rends seem to overwrite one another, with the current version of Mantle, when you hardcast Rend, Mantle isn’t active, because you aren’t channeling. And when you go back to WWing, you overwrite all your HC Rends, so they don’t have any opportunity to get a damage bonus from Mantle.
I think Stone Gauntlets may be the better bet, even now. Combined with BoM, it gives you so much toughness that you can wade through most damage without missing a beat, which lets you hardcast as much as possible.
I do not recommend that at your Paragon (less than 800 if the website is correct). Stone Gauntlets are not a substitute for Band of Might.
I agree that Mantle will be less effective next patch, but it won’t be useless. For example, it will still be very active vs RGs who don’t spawn adds, and when you’re in situations where you aren’t hard-casting (such as hunting for density or just spinning between Physical cycles), both of its bonuses will be active. Stone Gauntlets requires you to be attacked, and this is something that can drop at various times during the rift.
Core Zodiac with Stone Gauntlets in the Cube will be a great way to start your Season or low-Paragon play. I don’t recommend switching to Crimson’s until you have 3k+ Paragon, and honestly, I wouldn’t bother with it until you’re 3500+.