I agree that my claim is just that- a claim- until proven, but keep in mind that the figure I arrived at already takes into account a much lower rate of dealing AD than the possible max.
I wanted to look at this point of yours in particular:
I can see what you’re saying, but I think that this can generally be filed under “good problems to have”. If you’re slaughtering all the trash really quickly, that both gives you progression and means you can move on to new density, while pulling elites along with you using spear (if you’re using it). And, especially in a gg map, where you might be towing 5 elites and then murdering them with a power or conduit pylon, that equates to a significantly quicker accumulation of progression.
Well, consider this possibility: maybe you’re just really good at WhirlRend.
I mean, I’m a pretty good Leapquake player, and in the last era I had, as far as I know, (worldwide) the 3rd highest Fire Leap clear and the 2nd highest Phys Leap clear. The 3 players ahead of me in either variant had roughly 3k, 6k, and 8k more paragon than me, and Legendary gems 25-30 ranks higher. In addition, I was many tiers ahead of lots of players who had many thousands more paragon than I did, and again, better gems.
Q: So, using your way of looking at things, should I conclude that, statistically speaking, doubling, tripling, or quadrupling my paragon and leveling up my gems might not improve my max clear at all, or might even cause it to go down?
A: Uh, no.
Individual player skill (and determination) significantly deforms any attempt to compare two clears “purely by the numbers”.
I’ve been quite impressed with how you took what I said about Ambo/Doom in good faith and pretty much just ran with it. So, at this juncture, I guess I’d say you should just see for yourself: get some practice with spear, get some AD on gear, and see how it goes.