So my first huge disappointment in this game in along time. This 145 fail in which I played wrong on the second map. I should have took the power immediately to kill the high health trash instead of watch my time dwindle down. I also forgot that with nems on follower it would spawn an elite which is never good on an RG. But on the plus side if any of you barbs wanna see what an absolute wonderful conduit looks like then please watch.
First map is 4 corner fester with rank 1 trash and an early channel which you don’t see. You will want to skip from 2:49 threw 8:49 as I was getting some friends to join me on live stream.
Bummer, man. Keep going, you’ll get there!
8x elite kills on a 4-corner festering…
Too bad the follow up was not the greatest. You had an amazing lead heading into second map. It’s tough to get a 3rd pylon to spawn with this build, did you manipulate for the cooldown pylon, or was it a freak spawn?
Yes I intentionally hugged the wall when I was circling around to clear the second half of the fester. I spawned the channel at 15%. Then I knew I had a chance for a massive pylon. I made sure I killed more trash then normal because I wanted the late condi. That’s why I was a little behind on the timer before the condi. This was only like 70 keys too.
Good stuff bro, I’m going to farm a bit more before I make another attempt. See you at the top again Soon™.
Honestly I wasn’t going to even attempt 145 till after we get confirmation about era resetting or not but I am really burnt out on farming. So I decided I would commit 100 keys and see what happens.
Plowing 145 (please and thank you).
What?! I didn’t know such a thing could be done.
Thanks for sharing Chris. At what point did you start thinking you weren’t going to make it? I was feeling like you were going too far away from the pylon. Went back and watched again and it took you about 22 seconds to get back to it and then you had 55 seconds left when you got back to the RG. How would the timing have played out if you took the power right away?
Had to be close either way. Going into second floor, his timer looked to be about a 4 minute lead. At GR 145, I expect a solo RG to take 3:30 ~ 3:45 minutes to kill. Less if hammy/saxtris. He would have needed to taken the pylon right away, make two big pulls and spawn the RG with some of the pylon if lucky enough.
The killing blow was he got a 4-corner desert map. Had it been the linear one, it would have saved a lot of time pulling for his last bit of progression. Also his mob type sucked the big one. Those licky tongue dudes are terrible progression for how long it takes to kill them and they don’t pixel stack.
I realized I messed up on the last T. It was too late at that point. I thought the trash would die faster. The worst part was I totally forgot about nems spawning the elite until I was about to hit the pylon. I almost left the rift before even hitting it. That RG took me 4.5 minutes even with 45 seconds of power. Still pretty upset today but it’s all good. 145 is probably the hardest level I have attempted compared to my paragon ever. I have always gone for the easy clears spending minimal keys and time. Even my 143 clear was close to 200 keys which is well above my normal. I am getting to the point were paragon power gains are very slow. Gaining 1000 paragon is only worth 10% damage now. That is like a year of playing this game for me.
So lesson learned If you spawn a power pylon for the RG. The correct play is one of two options depending on the trash on that map. If you have high health or low progression mobs take the power and leave the spawned elite behind. If you have trash that dies fast and gives decent progression think about dismissing your follower before you take the power so the elite does not spawn.
It looked like you hesitated for a second before clicking the pylon.
I was gonna leave the rift. But then decided to see how long the kill took. I already knew it was a fail.
Then you don’t have FoT anymore, either. I’m not sure if that’s ever going to be a good play, mathematically speaking.
I think you’re right that your best play would have been to pull some trash to the pylon and then pop it. Second best might have been to grab the pylon for the RG, but take 15 seconds to head up to the level entrance, which should despawn those Nems elites, then return to the level, and hope the RG teleports to you.
So I found a pretty primal upgrade to my current helm.
1k str, 1k vit, 6 chc, fire res, +2 pur.
Stashed it away to save for a 150 augment and did some further inventory management, ie salvaging duplicates. Well turns out, I had a few primal waste helms with terrible secondaries that I kept as backups. I charsi’d the good one, kept a baddy and now I have a lonely 150 gem of ease. :’(
My fire resist now is super low compared to other stats, so it would have definitely helped to mitigate against another exploding molten disaster haha.
So I was sitting here reading up on all the cry babies asking for FB wiz nerfs and I thought to myself man its nice not to have a target on our back anymore. To be 150 viable at 8k and not really anyone asking for barb nerfs is a nice place to be. If anything most non barbs would say maybe they should buff rend/Leapquake/frenzy and the others.
Happy fathers day barb bros!!!
Salvaged the wrong helm!? Aargh, that’s terrible! You going to get a rollback on your account, or not worth it?
Nah not going to roll back, another one will come when it comes.
Watching Raxx struggle pushing 128 on PTR has me laughing. No istvans is going to be a big issue for a lot of people. He’s using stone guantlets too!!!
Yeah, at lower paragon, I think you’ll get better QOL using DW with Doombringer, even if Grandfather still has the highest actual clear potential.
Anybody know if you can dual-wield Doombringer (ethereal) / Doombringer (legendary)?