[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

I’m running with CDR on quad factor gloves, one weapon with boon and i’m at 34,79%, and it works pretty fine (of course diamond in the helm).
Unfortunately I can’t get CDR on shoulders. Otherwise the perfect setup would be: shoulders, gloves, both weapons with 10% dmg/ad/str maybe and the output should be around 33%.

Nice work, Dallo! Sounds like you’ve definitely got a few more GRs in you, since the rift you’re describing definitely doesn’t sound ideal.

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Thanks! I finally abandoned the CC build. My target is 140, but seeing @Seras hitting 142 with a few more paragons than me ( and slightly better gear as well) means it’s technically possible.

I’ll try and farm a few more gems levels/ at least ancient hellfire. Let’s see what happens. Although I think that maybe 140 is doable with actual gear, few better maps and little higher gems

Grats Dallo!!! Almost got yourself a top 100 world clear. You should take a look at the world season board. Rank 1 is 144@5.1k. That is by far the best clear we have seen so far. Follower changes and adding squirts have just increased the level of fishing required to get these clears. Now a condi and power on boss is not enough. Throw in a wanted shield for some added fun.

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Thanks for the input Dallo. I made a couple of tests today with 34 and 39% CDR (1 weapon + glove and 1 weapon + glove + shoulder) while adjusting the rift level to maintain enough density. 34% CDR works in big packs but when you scout for more monsters or move from pack to pack wrath can fall off. Too early ground stomp can also cause problems. So yeah 34% CDR is doable, but not always smooth…

I’m still looking for a sort of “perfect” hellfire (at least ancient). Up next is BOM with AD/CHC/CHD (currently, primal with STR/CHC/CHD) and then trifactor shoulders (now primal with AR/STR/AD/rend).

Do I get it right that Squirt might be a better player than hellfire and adding brawler( seems to be the last one you want to pick inside).

I’m pretty sure I can get at least a 139/140 done with some decent map and me not taking a coffee while killing a single pack of elites (I should just print an A3 reminder next to my playing screen with something like “D0 n0T K1ll Elites Al0n3!!!” :smiley: )

Anyway, sorry guys for being a bit pumped, In January my best record was some sh1tty 126 with basically the same gear and 400 less paragons… I’m finally starting some decent play…

Yes, 34% isn’t really smooth (on the RG as well, you need to throw a few hard cast rends out of phyisical cycle), yet, on good maps - which is what we’re looking for for the pushtime - it mostly works, and by lowering the CDR as much as possible, you gain some extra damage here and there. But you should definitely try what feels better to you, and eventually be prepared to some 1/2 secs BOTB downtime in very low density.

Well, generally it seems like Boon is the lowest priority of the “big 5” passives. But, yeah, Squirt can outperform either boon or Brawler, in a very good map. Though, you may need to do a lot of fishing to actually see significant benefit. Might want to go read my “Squirt’s Analysis” thread.

Squirts gives a higher potential cap but adds extra RNG and fishing to get the perfect rift. I would just use whatever amulet you have better stats on. Then make adjustments on your gear. Hellfire set up is slightly more consistent damage and squirts can be a lot more because its a buff for two minutes with a shield pylon. but you must get a shield.

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Ah yes, totally, but I wouldn’t drop boon for the next 3k paragons to stay alive (but technically it would be great to only have it active in the big pull).

Completely missed the Squirt analysis thing. Anyway it seems the #1 EU barbarian, (149) used squirt indeed.


What would you pick?
Having CDR on shoulders would allow me to pick another tri factor primal glove and add 1000 STR to the pack. (CDR would drop from 34,79 to 33. something) and I would lose 2% Rend damage and few AR points


You would gain 350 STR not 1k since you loss 650 off you shoulders. Divide 350 by your main stat total you get your answer. It you gain more then 2% then go with it. I can tell you now it won’t be more then 2%. Even if it was close losing another 1% cdr might make thing a little tight on RG fights. I run 34.79% cdr on my push build and thats as tight as I would ever like it to be.

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Thanks for the heads up. Indeed I’m at the same CDR % as you. You’re surely more skilled than me, so I would just believe you without even trying :joy: thx chris

I would say I’m above average on my skills. Definitely not the best. But I will say I put more effort into my gear and paragon then maybe anyone. I think the biggest thing that has always helped me progress is set difficult but realistic goals. An example is I think a rank 1 clear at end of Era is everyone’s goal but it just isn’t realistic for 99% of players. So I only worry about what is within reach with as little effort as possible until a rank 1 is within reach. So I focus on my biggest gear needs and consistent paragon gains before anything else. Sure throwing 500-1000 keys at a gr could get me a great clear but thats not the goal. Rank 1 is the goal and 148 is not within range yet so I farm away. I’m looking at a 144 and 8k with possibly a top 50 world clear for my goals this era.

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Ugg big fail on my part. Decided to put some keys in a 143 today and I spawned an illusionist nightmare mob. Fist time I have ever experienced them and realized it. Now I understand how these guys are getting these clears. I had 3-4 minute lead without any plyons but the mob count and debuffs just became to much. Mallot lords started one shotting me. Pretty exciting stuff. Only had a shield and missed 143 by one minute. I would have played the illusionist a lot different if I realized it sooner.


Those guys are a blessing and curse! I love how they spawn portals for more mobs, but get debuffed and the tides turn quickly. That’s the problem when you’re on the very edge of ehp to sustain incoming dmg vs min maxing your dps.

Big time dude!!! When I realized what I was seeing I got so excited I had to pause the game. Came back and my progression was nuts. 3 minute lead and was only half progression with zero pylons. Then started cursing me and the mob count began to build and build. Probably had 15 mallot lords on my screen all hitting me for 1/3 my health. I couldn’t do much but still had a lead after 5 deaths. I guess it might be better to not hardcast on them so you keep the healing at the maximum. While your harcasting you reduce your healing slightly.

Yeah, fighting those guys is always an interesting experience, it’s pretty different with every build. With Frenzy, they are not really positive progression at all, since your damage doesn’t scale up in density. With Leapquake, the challenge is somehow preventing the Nightmares from burning to death, which happens pretty quickly once the density gets high. When using Parthans, you’re in very little danger, but when using Strongarms it’s super easy to die.

I guess for Rend I’d say: maybe hit those Mallet Lords with Stomp a lot more often than you usually would. Yes, that’ll build up their CC resist pretty quickly, but you don’t really need them to stay stunned. You only need to stun them for 0.65 seconds, which resets their attack animation. Or, maybe you already tried that and it didn’t work, in which case: I dunno.

Main problem was I run zero points in vit. 500k health screwed me on this one occasion.

Ah, so you abandoned your “1,000,000 life in case of Blighter” stratagem?