[Guide] zDPS Support Barb (Season 19)

Well, if you go back and re-read the conversation and pay attention to detail, you’d see that HC should have had no place in your interjection because AD was in consideration. If you had bothered to look at the d3planner setup you’d see that I have no AD, which Rage keenly pickuped on.

And to make matters worse, I’ll have call you out and say that you know exactly what we were talking being you made no mention of AD/HCing. This just another habitual case of you being too arrogant to admit when you’re wrong. I honestly have no idea you continously put yourself in these situations. It’s best that you don’t comment if you’re not going to do your due diligence.

Ok sounds good. Whether I was wrong or not I don’t really care anymore.
You have now successfully earned an ignore and will be hidden on all your posts.
Keep going bud and maybe you can accumulate more top barbs that are ignoring you. Take care!!!


I don’t think I’ve ever read an article that did as good a job at dissuading me to do something as this one.

My takeaway: Don’t even attempt to play this with randoms, as they will treat you like absolute trash if you are anything short of perfect. Sounds perfectly in line with my general experience.

I haven’t found that to be the case. For one thing, in a public game people understand that it’s hit or miss. If you study Free’s guide and then show up in a pub with the decent gear and do your best you’ll be fine. Some people are jerks or they just leave if the group isn’t to their liking or whatever but it’s not that big a deal. I guess you’ve got a point that Free makes it seem daunting but for me I just did the best I could to prepare. I perfected my gear too much I would say.

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The more I play the more I learn the more I realize how little I know.

As I get better at spearing and firing them off more rapidly to bring all the monsters in, I sometimes have this problem where it’ll flip them back out. I could swear my mouse pointer is at the edge of the screen where I mean to pull from, but then it flings them back from the pile to that spot. My best guess is that I’m starting the animation with the mouse pointer in the right spot, but then I quickly move the mouse back to the pile to charge back in there and stomp, and the flip animation actually starts after I’ve moved the mouse pointer back to the pile. I’m just guessing though because I don’t really know how it works. Anyone else experience this and can tell me if that could be what’s happening? If that’s it then I guess better attack speed including Istvan’s would help, or else I just need to be more careful.

Another question - I was playing with a group tonight and they were getting on me because I wasn’t proccing executioner. I was thinking about this already, because I’ll watch the kill messages and rarely seem to get credit for the kills. I’m guessing stomp doesn’t count as an attack and thus doesn’t proc it, but charge and spear do. I started trying my best to charge and spear elites and the rift guardian when they were getting low, but still was rarely getting credit for kill. Maybe it’s as simple as my teammates were killing them too fast and their complaint really only pertained to jugs, but they didn’t clarify. Any advice here?


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its not ur fault, there is a bug i think at executioner axe
when it come out before i killed a lot as zb but now i seldom kill elite as zb , but the axe still work but i dont know how it determine which one of the player tat do the kill
i can say tat bcs when i take off the axe, we kill elite pretty long even when it have sooo little hp bar

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Just be mindful if you’re charging/stomping in close timing with spear throws. I like to do a short charge just outside the mob pile to proc BoM and not build any CC immunity. Next throw a few spears for stragglers and then force move around for a bit. This allows CC to cooldown, and makes your stomp more efficient.

One thing to note, for big burst dmg, you’ll often find your initial stomp gets obliterated, and the rest of the mobs are outside the pull zone. Do a second stomp right after to get the most of your DPS’ CoE cycle. This only works if you manage your CC build up well.

Regarding Executioner, just throw spears or charge when the mob is close to 10% hp. At that point, you’re not really looking to avoid CC build up as the majority of the dps happened earlier on. You just want to make sure your party is not standing around for the last 10%, which can feel like an eternity, especially if for whatever reason you guys stayed to fight a Jugg.


Thanks Seras. I still don’t understand why my spear flips things in the wrong direction sometimes. Are you saying charging/stomping in close timing with the spears could be causing it?

Experimented a little solo in T16 just flipping mobs around and don’t notice it happening. I’m guessing in the heat of battle I’m just moving too fast. Maybe if attack speed is lower the spear and other animations are taking a little time and I’m moving the mouse pointer around and the spear throws are going in the wrong direction, and if so better attack speed might help with it. In season I had been using In-Geom and Stormshield up to now, so I switched to Pig Sticker and Gimmershred and optimized stats all around to see if that helps.

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I was about to ask how important is Raekor’s but before I asked a stupid question I checked maxroll. They point out that all the runes except Battering Ram provide significant benefits, which I could see myself of course, but I wasn’t sure how important they all are, as well as the 2-piece bonus.

Interestingly, they point out that furious charge doesn’t knock back or proc strongarm’s when the dreadnought rune is active, which I did not realize. Therefore pretty much you have to stomp to proc strongarm’s? And also, it’s only Cold Rush that causes problems with building up CC immunity when you’re wearing Raekor’s?

I started investigating these questions because I wondered if I could make CC resistance management easier on myself by not using Raekor’s, but I guess it doesn’t make a difference because without Raekor’s/Dreadnought the standard FC knockback is building up CC resistance, and with Raekor’s Cold Rush is building it up.

I’ve also been feeling a little squishy in season at 1876 paragon GR137+ using Gimmershred in place of Stormshield so I was looking at options to address that. I’ve been making a point of getting as much cdr, rcr, and attack speed as I can, so maybe I’m a little low on all-resist. To compensate I’m running Aquila’s in the cube instead of Chilanik’s so I was contemplating giving up Raekor’s for toughness gear like Aquila’s, St Archew’s, Stone Gauntlets.

I’m also considering augmenting. It’s been said (I think by Chris to a question I asked a while ago) that you don’t really need to augment, but I wonder if that answer is more for NS when you’re 3k+ paragon and a life pool of 3.5m. My S24 health pool is 1.9m right now. Should I augment as a way to get Chilanik’s back in there at this lower paragon, and if so, vit or int? I know the guide says int but I was thinking vit might be better at 2k paragon to get that life pool up for all the benefits that come from that.

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In regards to augmenting on zbarb. It was only when you are very low paragon and running 130+. I personally play wwzbarb and it is more squishy then charge zbarb so I usually augment 120s on any decent gear I have when my group goes higher. Also use a maxed esoteric gem. It will help a ton. In non season I just augment 150 on my zbarb because I can and I’m bored. Doesn’t help me at all. Just for show.

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Yeah I have esoteric on in place of lightning already which is kinda why I’m like “am I missing something?” By very low paragon I’m guessing you mean under 800 or 1000. If you mean under 2000 well that would be me.

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It might be that I’ve gone a little overboard with trying to max out attack speed and rcr and sacrificed too many toughness rolls. I have IAS at 44% for 2.31 aps on the main hand and 2.15 aps off hand, and rcr at 37.42%. Are those higher than needed?

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Not really sure about AS and RCR for charge. You don’t need either of those with wwzbarb. And yes I’m referring to sub 1k paragon. Your defense going thru the roof going from 1k to 2k. Just because generally by 2k you should have alot of ancients by then and the option to augment if you want. By 3k it’s not needed at all even in 150s.

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With wwzbarb you don’t benefit from AS helping you throw spears faster and RCR letting you throw more before having to recharge fury?

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you use the lightning rune so you have plenty of resource. Also you dont need damage stats so you can slot CDR everywhere making cooldowns pretty trivial. That plus the fact you run zodiac and gogok makes it silly. throwing spears fast enough shouldnt be a concern. You want you make your spearing accurate and maximize you value of each spear. Just spraying them around is only gonna make you CC cap everything. Less is better.

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Upon further review I see that the guide here calls for 3 RCR rolls, whereas maxroll calls for 6 or 7. As I’ve gotten more comfortable with the spear I’m throwing it more and faster and have been running out of fury at times, and that combined with the recent maxroll influence has me with 5. Stands to reason the toughness I’m sacrificing is why I’m a little squishy so I’ll swap a couple toughness rolls back in.

I guess the extra RCR rolls suggested by the maxroll guide make sense when you’re higher paragon and don’t need the toughness. Might be superfluous like your 150 augments but might as well.

As for my spearing, I wouldn’t say I’m spraying them around indiscriminately - I move out of the pack and then pull distant mobs in. I do kind of spam it though so I’ll think about your comments and refine my technique if I can.

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It just takes a bit getting used to. I find if I throw out a spear, and then instantly charge or move around while the spear is still in motion to target, it changes to pullback location from where you would normally expect it to land. You just have to get seat time to get the hang of it. I now do it subconsciously and don’t even think about it. The only things I think about if whether there’s a waller in the group or worm hole now, haha. Those two affix are so annoying! Throw in missile dampening and I just want to quit the map.

In regards to toughness, I never augment my barb regardless of paragon level. Lowest 150 clears I have had was around 800 paragon in seasons when I decide to do gem ups. I just run around with pig sticker + storm shield. I rarely get past 1200 paragon in seasons so I don’t bother switching to IB swords. My primary focus at that level is ehp rolls, rcr + as come last or not at all. This just means you charge around slower as the attach animation takes longer I find. It might just be placebo but it definitely does not feel as fluid as my non season zbarb using IB swords.

When I read this I thought to myself, I think I stand still when I’m throwing spears, but maybe I’m unwittingly starting to move while spears are still in the air, so I went to test, just standing still and flipping things around. I think that you’re right that when you move while the spear is in flight it can cause the flip direction to reverse. And I think the root cause of my problem is that I’m rapid-firing spears to quickly bring mobs in and inadvertently moving with the spear command. If you try to throw a spear when one is already in flight, normally your mouse click is ignored. But if you try to throw one when you’re out of fury, your hero moves (at least with right-click). Seems that I need to take the advice seriously to be more precise with my spears.

I think having higher attack speed reduces this problem simply because your spears aren’t in the air as long, so they’re more likely to finish executing before you mess them up.