Question about furious charge proccing strongarms: do you have to target the (or a) specific enemy? If you use force move to target the ground and charge across a mob, will it proc on everything in your path?
Thanks and happy holidays to everyone!
Question about furious charge proccing strongarms: do you have to target the (or a) specific enemy? If you use force move to target the ground and charge across a mob, will it proc on everything in your path?
Thanks and happy holidays to everyone!
Anything your charge hits will have the debuff.
So this whole zbarb thing has totally changed my barbarian way of life. I’m now holding off on pushing solo until I have augments of 141+ on my rend barb. Last season, I grinded 15 or so gems to 125 solo, with a top clear of 124 in 14:31 at 1328 paragon, good enough for #502 on the leaderboard. This season I’ve already reached 1761 paragon, applied augments of 136, 137, and 141 to my zbarb, and I’ve got 17 more gems at 124-135. I figure I’ll apply a few more augments to my zbarb and then switch to leveling gems higher for my rend barb.
I’m at the point where to progress I need to get better at scouting, grouping, and leading as a zbarb. When I get in games at 130+ I feel like the others generally know better, so I revert to following. Sometimes it’s really true - they’re way more advanced than me and I just don’t have the understanding to make the level of decisions they can make, so it may actually be best for the group that I follow. I learn from watching them but I don’t get to practice leading. Other times it’s not really true and we’ll do stupid things like sit on jugs, or just fail to pick a good spot to settle - whatever. In cases like that being on discord would help a ton but in general people aren’t that interested in doing that. , even when I know as a group we’reand I’m not sure how much more to invest in my zbarb.
I was lucky enough to find myself in a group Saturday night that was using discord, and it helped a ton. One of the guys was from Chris’ clan. They were telling me what to do, like “back pull”, which lol I didn’t know what that meant, but then he explained it to me. One of the guys with coe was telling me when to stomp to coordinate with his cycle. They were telling me where to position my stomps. They told me what I should be doing if I was actually a good zbarb.
I learn a lot from experiences like that, but what I need to then do is get comfortable leading and making the decisions when I’m playing with my more regular groups. That’s where the problem comes in that it’s harder to lead without voice comms. Can’t very well type in the chat window (though some people do - like they’ll say “jug” or “skip” - how do they do that?). About the best you can do without voice is lead by just leaving the area and then throwing down the marker.
Anyway thanks again for all the guidance here and in the rend guide.
First thing you shouldn’t need augments on your zbarb. It is completely optional. Sub 2k you might be a little squishy but once you get close to 3k that is no longer an issue. I’m glad you are grasping what it means to be zbarb and the benefits you can get out of it. Comms are essential in leading. Just saying go or skip or GTFO does not cut it in 150s. When you open a map you should be discussing the map, trash, and how big to pull. With necro and sader requiring stomps for damage, you need to know both of their cycles or they need to tell you. Once the trash is dead you switch stomps to sader cycle. Your Zbarb will also make you learn your spearing a lot better.
What paragon do you think I’m going to get to??? I’m 1832 right now so that explains why it’s feeling a little squishy at times. I have already augmented 3 items but then I started to look more closely at the math of intelligence vs regular resist-all stats. A 140 augment gives you 700 intelligence or 70 resist-all. So for example I could augment 4 more pieces for a 280 boost to resist-all. Meanwhile, I’m missing resist-all on my chest and amulet, which could easily give me another 250 without wasting 4 augments.
Is there a target resistance level you want to attain? I’m at 2027. My life pool is at 1.9M.
When I was learning this I started with pur barb and prioritized pur over all else, and that mindset bled over into my zbarb build - my pur is 27 for both. Is pur important for zbarb any more than it is for other builds, e.g. rend barb? It’s helpful yeah but you don’t prioritize it. I think I can easily bump my toughness by giving up pur. I guess I know the answer because I see in your Arnold build that you don’t even have Rondal’s locket, but I’m interested in your comments.
One other question about paragon distribution. From the guide:
Does this mean you’d generally seek to balance strength and vitality 50-50 in your stat sheet? I think in the first rat run I got into one of the guys told me nah just pump it all into vitality, so I’ve been doing that, but as my paragon has gone up I’ve started to think I should be putting some into strength. Right now I’ve got 7,798 str, 13,606 vit.
IMO 50/50 is best. Really the only thing that can kill you is large pulls and moltens but you can use the fire ammy in the extra slot to take care of that issue. The priority for meta is CDR>CDR>CDR. Max that out then worry about all resist. You are there to support your necro/sader. If your necro dies you need IP up as soon as he is back up. Another reason comms is important. You guys communicate where he is moving to come out of ghost form and when so that IP can be hit ASAP. Hitting IP while he is in ghost will make him wait the entire cooldown which is likely another death. PUR isnt a big deal in meta. Metas are usually pack to pack and a slower pace so you have time to gather.
Does Zodiac proc on Ancient Spear only? Does it help much?
What is advantage of FS over WW?
Zodiac procs on all fury spenders. FC vs ww is more about being optimal for your group. The advantages of FC are the fact that it is a lot faster which makes scouting and pulling more efficient. Then FC runs both charge and stomp so you have two stuns in the build. This is very important on some RGs as you need two to keep them from moving by hitting them with charge when stomp is on cooldown. Also one downside to WW zbarb is when you are not spinning mantle of channeling will not be useful. I think this issue has been almost eliminated with the mantle change though.
FC stuns and makes monsters immune to control. But I should use FC for LpH and this makes my stomp and spear less useful. All players use FC, so it should be better. This means I don’t understand something.
You want to hit as little enemies as possible when you are pulling so they don’t get stunned by your charge. FC zbarbs do a lot of running so that it doesn’t happen. And ww zbarb doesn’t use charge so I’m really the person to give expert advice on charge zbarb. My main is ww zbarb.
I wanted to jump in here with WW zbarb that mirrors FC zbarb. A player that I’ve friended this season and I put this together. We cleared a horrible GR 140 with more than to 2 minutes to spare (2 man team). Here’s what itclooks like:
First time I’ve ever cleared a 140.
Edit: Strong-arm is in the 4th slot.
Grats DH on your 140. You should try wearing leoric/mantle/aguilas/illusory boots. Savages set would need to be legs and gloves. Cube furnace instead of messer then wear stongarms. The 4th slot can be either nems or fire ammy depending on the chosen content. Gem #1estoric at low paragon or wreath of lightning. Gem #2 gogok. Gem #3 is poison. I don’t even recommend using iceblink plus cold rune on ww since it creates unnecessary CC and slows movement. It will not only effect the actual damage bonus of strongarms but prevent the physical pixal stack of stomp as well. You can inspect my 150 zbarb named Arnold on my profile. It is the same build as non season but with the option of nems or fire ammy for the 4th slot. Spear or sprint can be taken depending on how fast the runs are as well.
Thx bro! I’m going to farm and make those changes you recommended and iceblink.
Actually I said furnace. I meant to say echoing fury just fyi…
Chris, I gotta tell you, with the same setup below, my friend and I couldn’t clear GR 142 after 8 keys. I switched out Iceblink for Eso and Blood Funnel for Hurricane.
I switched back to Iceblink and Hurricane and we clear 142 four consecutive times.
I think there’s something here.
Try clearing a 150 and let me know how many you clear in a row.
142s is a speed farm for these necros.
You’re missing the point and ignoring the context.
Ok play it your way…
As always… but bro, you really need to work receiving what others have to say. Pouting and ignoring the facts is not a good look. The other day we had a discussion over DW and S&B (1 hand stacks of Rend) that Rage graciously took the time to answer us and clarify. You didn’t take the time to acknowledge or give thanks for the response, but such is the typical conduct from you when someone has an opposing view or outright corrects you. Work on that, it makes you look bad.
He did clarify. It doesnt stack 2x with hardcast. That’s all of your damage. It was your question that I already let you know what the answer was. If you want to be stuck clearing 125s and being ignorant keep on gettin it. Your doing just fine in that department. I’ll stick to clearing 140+ solos and 150 metas sub 8 minutes.