[Guide] MOTE6 Earthquake

Hi, yes thats me. Have we spoken there? If so i did not know. Biggest problem for CoE is fishing for RG and this alone was enough for Deal who cleard 140 (BoM) to abondon CoE setup.

About the incoming damage, i can handle 130+ quite well, but its so annoying moving away from a pack that had a blue or elite who trigger a CC and then i die while im attacking other pack or moved away, this can happen on gr110 as well.

Hard to describe what happens ingame,but it feels / looks wrong when it occure. Maybe alot more paragons, even if im close to 3300 would help.

Glad to hear that you have approched approche blizzard with ideas for GEMS, they should have a overhaul imo.

Nope, we’ve never spoken before. So: nice to meet you!

The deaths you are describing sound like one of two things to me:

  1. a bug- in which case you should try to record some video, and submit a bug report.


  1. deaths from when you hit zero life while leaping. Sometimes your life can go to zero, but since you cannot die while leaping, you may even be able to finish a whole sequence of 3 Leaps, and then drop dead while seemingly at full life.

It’s happened to me, many times. Any healing you apply while in mid-air (usually from a potion, or BR:StP) will take effect, but if you hit zero life at any point, you die when you stop leaping, even if you have healed to full by that point. It’s not a CC issue, it’s probably a mechanism designed to prevent you from becoming basically unkillable.

On another subject, you should think hard about whether you really want to continue pushing with CoE. It doesn’t really do any more damage than a BoM setup… I can go over the numbers and reasoning on that, if you like.

With an 800% Tribes, I know for sure that BoM Leapquake can go up to at least 141. With a 200/800 Tribes, 146 would definitely be possible.

I actually already planned to do some barb pushing after the patch hits, but I cannot promise right now how hard I can commit myself right then.

I’ll keep you updated on it.

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Sounds good. I will probably write a LightningQuake section for the guide once we see what happens with Tribes on live.

What are the ideal rings to use? I couldn’t find it in the guide (must have missed it).

Generally Focus+Restraint. You may have missed it because instead of giving a written account of the gear for each setup, I gave a D3planner link.

The reason I did it that way is because there are a lot of variations on gear and skills that you can take, and writing all of that out seemed like it would take up a heck of a lot of space.

Oh, and just so you know, what I’m talking about in the passage you quoted is not wearing CoE, but taking it in the cube, instead of BoM.

And the reason it doesn’t really boost your damage is that you have to drop a bunch of other damage in order to survive: swapping Zei for Esoteric, BR:ItF for WC or BR:StP, and possibly Ruthless or Boon for NoS as well. You also have to spend a good bit of time playing “keep-away”, which cuts into your damage.

I gave the CoE setup a good solid try in my 126 push- maybe 200 or 250 keys worth. And I found that I just couldn’t kill the mobs as fast as I can with my BoM setup.


What do we need to do to get this Guide STICKIED!?!?

I’m thinking of rolling MOTE next season assuming the current buffs stick and the build is competitive.

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Like I said, count on +9 GRs, not the +14 you get from a 200/800 Blade.

I mean, it’s a really fun build even when it sucks. After this buff, it’ll probably be #2 for Barbs.

(Not to be confused with the present situation, when it is just “#2”…)

It’s fun. You will see some Leapquakers on the LB.

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I may have to log back in this season just to mess with this, it has always been my favorite Barb build. Hope you are all well.


Looking forward to grinding out some leapquake again! So glad the tribes affix is cubeable now


If I remember right, you played mostly Phys Leap, right? You going to stick to that or switch to Fire?

What do you think of this outside of box Phy EQ/Avalanche setup?


I definitely will be trying phys out in HC. Wear fotvp for free lpfs, cube tribes, BoM, fjord and give it a whirl for pushing.

Looks like it could be fun… one significant issue, though: you are really going to want Earthen Might. Without it, it’s hard to generate enough Fury to get your Leap and Stomp reset with each cycle. Since the setup is just for fun anyway, you could drop Mortick’s, WOTB, and Boon, and take AV: Volcano, Strongarm Bracers, and Earthen Might. Volcano is not so great for density, since it splits its damage against multiple targets, but for single-target it is surprisingly good.

If you wanted to throw another quirk into it, you could swap Unity for SoJ which will eliminate the element “mismatch” between AV and EQ, and instead of Volcano take Glacier or my favorite, Snow-capped Mountain.

If you do end up putting AV on the bar, be aware that you can cancel the rather long AV animation by casting Stomp. i.e., if you cast AV and then immediately cast Stomp, it cuts the frames needed for AV down considerably.

Good suggestions. As soon as it goes live, I’ll give it the good old college try. :smile:

Nice to meet you too ! Im quite sure its the nr.2 of you description, if there was a bug it would happen also if i fight hurdles with no elites inn it.

When it comes to dps CoE vs BoM i understand your point of view, i only have X 2 1/4th of rift time, i must use esoteric and i have NoS over Brawler , StP over BS / War Cry. But its my 2’nd nature now to understand progress in GR’s with the use of CoE.

Fair enough!

If you have any future questions, just let me know and I’ll do my best to help. Good luck out there.

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DH, you got me thinking about how it’ll now be possible to set up a build that basically deals ALL of its damage via Avalanche and isn’t awful. Since AV will now be getting 9x from Tribes, that helps a lot.

Build looks like this: https://www.d3planner.com/563517122

The cycle is just Leap - Avalanche - Stomp - Slam, with TS thrown in whenever it is off cooldown.

A few further notes:

You must take AV: Lahar to get this to function properly. Other runes won’t produce enough Fury-Dump-CDR to get AV off cooldown on every cycle, which messes up the whole process.

You must also take Stomp: Deafening Crash, otherwise the cooldown is too long to reset on each cycle.

You must take Templar, with Inspire ability, for the extra Fury generated.

You can swap a few CDR rolls around here and there (i.e. not on weapon, but on ring instead of AD, or on gloves instead of STR), but you must keep the cooldown of Leap and Stomp below 4.4 seconds, and the cooldown of Avalanche below 13.2 seconds.

If desired, you can also incorporate Seismic Slam as a real source of damage by swapping Parthans to Bracers of Destruction and carrying FotVP while sticking Tribes in the cube. (This is better than carrying Tribes because FotVP comes with a big extra LPFS roll, which will help you stay alive without the extra mitigation from Parthans.)

If desired, you can also carry Furnace, and put Tribes in the cube.

This setup will be no match for a proper Leapquake build, but enormously better than earlier Avalanche-centric setups. My guess is that it will be about 7 or 8 GRs weaker than Leapquake, or in other words, just a hair stronger than Leapquake is now, before the new patch hits. maybe 10-12 GRs weaker than Leapquake.


I like the synergy. There so many whacky ways to play around with this and after mowing it over 3 or 4 time…

I know that the way it plays out in my head usually isn’t the way it play out in the game. Having said that, I’m envisioning a face tanking setup (shocker :laughing:). I guess it would work like this Leap 3x, cast all Avalanches simultaneously, spam SS for sustain, rinse and repeat. Something along those lines.
