[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide

I took a look at your setup… I think you may have a “wasted” AS roll on your Compass Rose or your gloves. Whether you’ve got that roll or not, you still have a 7/8 Frame Frenzy, depending on whether WOTB is active. If you switch one of those to CDR, AD, or CHD, this ought to boost your damage a bit, unless I’m missing something…

AS is exactly what I’m trying to say.
It’s hard to explain, but to begin with the conclusion,
the original Frenzy frame table on reddit is wrong, if you’re using a weapon with AS 1.4 or less(including IAS on weapon), such as mighty weapon and sword without IAS.

The frame breakpoint varies by weapon AS 1.4 over or less.
So, when you’re using Oathkeeper with 7% IAS(1.39 AS) and Azurewrath without IAS(1.4 AS), the most common case, you can reach 7/6 frame with 23% or more AS(e.g. 3 AS on gear + Enchantress).

An amazing barb fellow(not me) on Asia server found this. He checked every breakpoint by changing his paragon point one by one.

Here is link of the original page, but you may need a korean translator to understand all of this.
