Hey all, i’m a returning player (started on xbone and now on PC) and had a real quick question. I know that you need to transmute the Puzzle Ring in Kanai’s Cube to get to Greed’s Vault. I was working on my Act V bounty with my Necromancer and a saw a Gem Hoarder. So I corpse lanced it while it had the portal to greed open. I don’t know if I clicked on the portal or what but all of a sudden I was in the vault. Is this a bug or is this supposed to happen?
Thanks everyone.
The Greed vault portal was added a few years back, playing to the original lore entry.
The peasantry seem to believe that the goblins serve a great demon lord known as Greed, and furthermore, that their portals lead to Greed’s domain! A ludicrous notion, truly.
It’s 100% intended and random. Now, goblins can also open portals to the Cow Level upon death. And if you cube an Ancient/Primal Puzzle Ring, you’ll get a Vault full of goblins.
It’s a random occurrence, around 1-2% chance when a goblin dies. It could also spawn a portal to the not the cow level too.
Lastly, as an aside, if you use an ancient or primal puzzle ring you get access to the ancient vault with a LOT more rewards!
This is normal. Once you reach LV 70, all non-Rainbow goblins can spawn either a portal to The Vault or the Not the Cow Level (this is new to this patch!).
Awesome! Thank you everyone. Thanks for the additional information aswell! 
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Don’t thank me yet, wait till you get my bill.

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The puzzle ring and Bovine Bardiche do not have to be ancient. Take any puzzle ring to the cube and cube it. A portal to the vault will open. Likewise, take any Bovine Bardiche to the cube and cube it. A portal to the “Not Cow Level” will open. Both are good sources of materials and gold with the higher the T level the greater the reward. You also normally get a good amount of normal jewels from the vault.