Hi I found my old characters got them up and running and haven’t p[played for a long time my character is LvL 70 597 paragorn and I’m sure that when I was playing a while ago i could easily run through torment lvl 5 at least. However now I cant even do a greater rift torment 1 of Hard Im getting killed to easily. Any advice
I’m going to assume you’re referring to your Asia Region Characters.
I don’t know how long you’ve been away. But, I’m going to guess that much has changed since then.
The first thing I noticed is none of your Characters are getting the full 6-piece Bonuses from their Sets. That’s a “boatload” of Damage you’re missing. I’m not really familiar with the Classes you’re playing, (Demon Hunter here), but you might want to check out some build guides just to get some ideas.
You can start with some Maxroll build guides for your Class. Then, you might want to check out YouTube for some gameplay videos for the build(s) you want to play. (Check the upload dates on the videos. Some are old and out of date).
And… Welcome back to New Tristram!
I do not hide from my enemies.
I do not run from my foes.
I seek them out; I hunt them down;
and then they’re quickly disposed.
~ 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑜𝑒