Greater Rift 145 - 150 Map Selection

One thing that I’d truly like to see, in this game, is the removal of barrack & Spider type maps, once a Solo player is selecting Greater Rift 145 -150.

Fishing or wasting keys, just to get a somewhat doable map, is just frustrating. It took me almost 60 keys, to do a 149 & then a 150. Most of my time was just opening , then closing the Rift, and repeating. Of the 5 maps, 2 of them had a channeling, then a Speed Shrine (Rip).

It’s bad enough when you finely get an open map, to just then get a Channeling Shrine, half way through it (Rip).

Please consider this option. Thanks


wow a mere 60 keystones. That’s nothing, kid. Especially when it’s so easy to farm them with both Visions and NRs plus the Cain’s Destiny set to give you 25% bonus keystones. 60 keystones is at worst an hour of farming. Nothing more than a minor imposition for a Diablo game.

I’ve dropped hundreds of keystones fishing 150s over the years. And that’s still small-fry. The people at the very top will blow thousands of keys for that perfect rift. Of course most of them are… ahem… assisted.


Simple solution is to just let us pay 25 keys, 50 keys or whatever the rate of an Orek’s Dream spawn to immediately open an Orek’s Dream.

Opening and closing GRs is not fun. We need less RNG not more.


Yeah, that’s fine until you find out most Orek’s Dreams are

  1. garbage,
  2. don’t take pylon spawn RNG into account.

You’ll still need to harvest a tonne of keys to do it. Even in an Orek’s Dream you can have bad maps too. Imagine a long desert level with mediocre progression during the level and all the elites spawn at the end. And half of them have the Juggernaut affix. Then string several of those levels together and pylon spawns in bad places with no conduit and power spawns at 1% or somewhere else useless and out of the way.

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0 fishing at all just for clearing. Another story if time attacking.

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Right, but Orek’s Dreams have a decent chance to be good or great.

Westmarch has 100% chance to suck.
Plague Tunnels has 100% chance to suck.
Caves has 100% chance to suck.

If you are at the pushing point, you are going to spend a ton of keys, I would much rather spend 25 to 50 keys at a time to get decent chance at a good set of maps than spend 1 at a time for a very, very low chance of to get a good set of maps.

This is why I suggest giving the option. I can open 10-20 Orek’s trying for a good to great setup, you can open 500 GRs one at a time.

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Well let see here wasn’t it a few years ago. People were complaining about large maps. It took to long to search the map. But now you want to get rid of the barrack & Spider maps.

You take the good with the bad. You take the map that they give you. Sorry but if you can’t do that. Then in a way you not a true 145 - 150 GR player.

I’m really not into the leader board or paragon. Yes I have only done a 135 solo and I’m happy with that. Plus I have done it on what ever map I got too.


{{Citation Needed}}

Everything after that suggests you have no understanding of fishing or pushing. You admit you don’t know what you’re talking about then go on and tell people how to play a part of the game that’ll you yourself will never play.

Glad you play the game your way but maybe pipe down in the cheap seats while the adults talk, okay?


I just have to laugh at this. Been playing the game for day 1. Have 4 accounts in the family. Don’t play the game as a contest to be on top of the Leader board.

Don’t know how long you been playing video games I have almost 45yrs under my belt. I don’t go looking for the easy map to compete on the leader board or what ever. I play what ever I get no matter what I get.

So if I’m not fishing for a really easy map and not pushing. I’m not playing it right or don’t know anything about the game. WOW!!!

The thing is I don’t come here crying to make the game easier so I can play it. OH Please get Rid all the Hard maps and give US easy ones. OH Please can you Buff & Nerf my characters to make so I don’t have to work to HARD!!!

You tell me to listen to the Adults here. The ones that do nothing but cry about how hard the game is and want them to make it easier. :sob:


You clearly didn’t read what I said. 45 years doing whatever you’re doing is super. Congrats, I guess. My point was you came in blathering utter nonsense then tried telling others how to do it when you’ve never actually done that thing yourself.

If I had to guess your career pathway, I’d assume middle management of the seagull variety.


Stop feeding the trolls. Replying to them makes them post more and everyone has to scroll through junk to get to the meat and potatoes of the discussion. Just flag and ignore.

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In season 28 with the newly introduced Altar, the extremely powerful Tal Rasha meteor build (I used cold meteor) and somewhere between 3K and 3.5K paragon points I could finish any GR map in time in solo play. Didn’t get anywhere near the top spots on the leaderboard of course. Did around 20 before failing one because of taking too much time fighting some elites that should have been skipped. And then did maybe 50 in a row after that - not the same day of course.
That season all the 1000 spots on the Tal Rasha board were 150 clears (if I remember correctly).

All my solo 150 clears before and after have always involved opening and closing a good deal of maps before getting a run that was doable within the time limit. They also involved having around 3K paragon points. Players doing 150s solo with less paragons would have had to do more fishing or have more luck with getting good maps.


Davey. You’re a great guy and all that. Zurtle may have rough tone but he’s not trolling.


Sadly, this game had a lot more potential that was not taken advantage of by Blizzard.


You’re right, it does. Sadly, they’ve become a cash-grubbing entity more interested in nickel and diming gamers with low quality than making good games. It’s blunt, sad, but true.

This was my experience too, except I did cold 150 at p1500 then switched to star pact (arcane) afterwards, and by the time I was p2200 I could clear every 150 I opened.

Looks like we’ll never see that kind of power level again, so I’m glad I got to experience it.

Currently I’m p2800 I think and still have to fish for an open map to be able to complete a 150.


Completely aggree, but it was called “chalenge”