Grandfather bug

got at grandfather drob whit a star on but when i look at the item there is no star on any of the stats.

I don’t understand what you mean, but I thought I would make a screenshot of mine and post it here:

If you mean the star in the bottom right corner of the weapon panel, that is an optional setting that is helpful to identify legendary (non-set) items… Set items will have an asterisk and crafted primal items (both set and non-set items) will have a red pentagram.

You can turn that on or off by activating or deactivating the “Rarity icons for items” under Option / Gameplay and saving the change.


sry wrong forum needed it for d4 :slight_smile: but thx for the reply.


OK – and I see that you already got a reply in the D4 Bug Report forum.

Best of luck in your games !