GR100 sub 4 minutes, phwoa!

24 Hour Le Wiz - I’m trash at Wiz btw.

Meanwhile my HotA barb sits at around 7 something minutes for GR100. Not sure I have the patience to take IK6R4 anywhere near those RGs, especially with the delay I face connecting to the EU servers from the southern hemisphere.

How do you folks run speed GRs on your Barbs?

On a side note, why are we not allowed to post links??? Just make them plaintext if you’re concerned about security.

I don’t.
Up to GR85 I do with my WW Barb.
Above that I do with my Impale DH.

Probably the best time I had with Barb lately was in S16. Managed GR85 at 2:45, beyond that it becomes a frustrating experience fighting RGs with my latency.

Currently I use IK HotA with FnR. I can do 5 minute GR100 but on average I it is between 6:00 and 6:30. I keep thinking that Vile Charge would be faster, but I run out of charges at times and then just stand around for several seconds doing nothing.

yah a great goal for alot of barbs there. With the new build a have on ww I can do 96-97 consistent under 4 minutes. Although its very optimized for speed clearing and I got crazy mortiks drop on the first day. Hopefully another 500 para I can see 100 in 4 minutes.

Yea I rolled bracers and my first pair were primal… gg

lol we got the same bracers

Chris, I looked at your build and why would you have COE as opposed to SoJ? You don’t have to wait the time and now that we don’t have furnace in the cube the dps is closer to COE. COE is the best way to go for everything except speed runs.

Also have you tried flavor of time? Not easy to farm but they are going to be better than Hellfires.

Last thing, why not Trapped or Power over Gogok? I don’t needed the CDR and even if I did, I would change a roll or 2 to CDR and go with the more powerful gem.

For me I am running GR90s in the 3s with WotW. I haven’t tried 95s or 100s yet.

When you time COE properly you can hit an elite almost every cycle. COE is way better then soJ. I don’t need consistent damage. I need burst to kill off elites. You need pain enhancer or gogok for coodowns. Gogok is better with with lower mob counts.

I think you should look at taking Gogok out. We have a much faster attack speed with EF so you don’t need as much CDR.

I will try it today. you may be right.

So I tested both builds with gogok vs trapped on 95s. With build #1 using only fury in the cube. Most clears were right around 3:30. I did manage one clear of 2:53 on a great festering map though with trapped. My only gripe with using trapped on build #1 is I was super squishy. Build #2 with fury in the cube while wearing mortiks and witching hour. Most clears were right at 3:30 mark again
but i saw more clears closer to 3 minutes. I did manage a 2:49 clear with gogok on another great festering map. I got to say I love using either gogok or trapped with build #2. I felt tanky with both gems and was never worried at the rift guardian. Good recommendation Felix. They are both very close and can give someone who has optimal gear another option. Keep up the good work.

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Glad you liked the recommendation. I have been playing around a bit and Even though I can do 95 relatively fast ( <5min ) I cannot do it every run and on some runs I die several times. You have a lot more paragaon than I do. Right now my sweet spot seems to be GR90-92. No deaths and very fast use SoJ and Flavor of Time. If you get a speed plyon early it is close to breaking the 2 minute mark. Try Flavor of Time, I think you will like it.

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You folks are doing these runs with Wastes? I wish my wastes gear was good enough for this. It feels very fragile when I play it. Not sure that augments will help me, but perhaps I should give it more room for experience gain etc… I mostly play IK6R4 or Fire MotE. For gems needing 100, I play IK HotA.

With my current gear and augments I can comfortably do 89-91s in around 3-4 minutes on either MotE or IK6R4. I just can’t get away from FC :frowning: It feels really good when you obliterate a decently sized pack with very few charges.

Wastes is by far our fastest set. I run GR75s sub 2 minutes all the time. I don’t think there is another set that can compete with that. If you go lightning, there never is a worry about fury so all other skills/gear can pretty much be speed boost. I use Messerschmidt in the cube when I run speed 75s just so I can spam all my speed skills.

To clear higher GRs you just trade off speed for damage. Switch to physical, put Echoing Fury in the cube, wear witching hour not chilaniks, Nemesis in the cube goes to MoC, etc… until incomming damage becomes to high and you start to die in the GRs.

If you get too fragile, and you speed is still acceptable you can start to add defense. Easiest is to put demoralize on the bar. The next option that impact your damage the least is to add some CDR, use IP with PoC.

If you don’t like that you can use BOM/Unity for one of the ring (COE/SoJ) at the sacrifice of 30-50% damage.

It just takes patience and alot of paragon with proper rolls. I could care less about top clears on leaderbaords. I push here and there with IK Hota but that isn’t what I play this game for. I love speed progression on mid teir rifts. Next goal is 100s in 3 minutes consistently. Ill need at least another 1k para for that or changes to the build.

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Mr. Felix I was doing more testing today. Decided to try powerful vs gogok vs trapped in 100s with the echoing fury/mortik’s/witching hour build. To start off powerful was a no go due to not enough damage to keep up both rampage/frenzy buffs all my clears were slightly over 5 minutes. Trapped worked great but certain rift guardian were one shoting me. Most times were under 5 minutes with best being 4:25. Gogok was fine but I needed to really manage and find trash to keep rampage and frenzy buffs up. I made it work with all times under 5 minutes with best being 4:35.

Interesting, I find PE and Trapped much better than Gogok for damage. The attack speed increase doesn’t get you 20% more damage and the CDR really isn’t needed if you run Measureschmidt. Defense Gogok is the best but I don’t worry about it in speed runs. How many runs did you do? If it is around 10 each you might not have a big enough sample size.

Also have you tire the Flavor of Time yet? I find that is the biggest improvements for my WW speed runs. Many times I have run with Conduit, power and speed up all at the same time.

Powerful was only 3 because I didn’t like it. Trapped and gogok were around 10 each. I don’t need the cooldown either way because of frenzy. With trapped I use ignore pain as situational healing during tuff elites and rift guardians so its not using cdr all the time for 100% berserker uptime. With gogok im really only using it for attack speed and defense. The cooldown allows me to keep IP up on every elite. I have some other fun thoughts but I need to dig some saved gear out of hiding and see what augments they need.

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I tried out the captain crimson set with WotW today and running the numbers it looks good. Basically you get rid of WH, pants for the set items and replace SoJ/COE for RoRG.

In my case I was running SoJ and when I run the numbers going with the captain crimson I got a 13% increase in damage and a 37% increase in defense. I will play around with it more to see if I can get any more damage out of the set.