GR not registered no season

Hi, I just finish a 118 GR with my Demon hunter, and it didn’t appears in my profile or in rankings in America no season. At the beginning I though may be I confuse and I did a 117, its my actual record. Then try again some times for a 118 again, and when I finish it, happens the same, didn’t appears in my profile or in rankings. I have a print screen but I can’t share the link. Is there a problem with rankings ?

Yes… two conversations already exist on this topic… with Blizzard input. See:

thanks a lot, do you know if this GR will be fixed and showed correctly later?

It did in all the previous “fix”, except for one… yeah, I know…

I’m just hoping that Nevalistis is not the only one who can task the Battle Net folks to look at this “again”…

I hope that any of the QA Team can do that. If not, it’s not going to get fixed until Monday :frowning:

same thing happened with me

just had the same thing happen to me in season did a grift 2 levels higher then previous clears and nothing came up as new record … I hope this is getting fixed soon

im on the North America server by the way :slight_smile: