Gr 70 Primal nonsense

I got my guaranteed primal for completing a gr70 on my barb and it rolled with int and necro secondary on it. I don’t want another piece but its complete nonsense that this still happens

You are lucky. I got total s^^t. Some club or staff(i forgot cause it is S^^T) with no secondary. Later i happend to get the Simulacrum amulet primal. That is a lot better.

Tbh I’m not convinced that the gr 70 primal unlock drop is even part of smart loot, my free primal is always for another class or wrong mainstat if general item.

Then you don’t understand smart loot.

My comment was a tongue and cheek joke/complain about my RNG. I know SmartLoot doesn’t guarantee getting items for your class, but normal drops seem to fall nicely into the stated odds, whereas my experience (which I realize is not statistically viable) is that 100% of my unlock primal items fall outside of my class pool.

Agreed, that’s why I mentioned that just my experience was not statistically viable. I was just agreeing with the op that it is frustrating how often those items end up being for the wrong class.
Honestly with smart loot I see items for other classes only very rarely, so to always get them for the gr70 primal unlock reward just seems fishy, but again I realize it’s just the way the RNG works out.

the fact that it is done seasonaly gives a larger prize pool of drops