Good bye to Wiz Chant in next patch

Agreed, The nerf to Chantodo is wrong.
I’ll bet who ever decided to nerf Chantodo has a personal grudge against a top tier player or players.

Developer Note:
This is a reactive adjustment from an earlier change to how Wave of Destruction receives a bonus from Attack Speed. The buff that resulted from that change was more than we expected, so we're reigning it in.

The buff was more than we expected???

The buff has been live for quite a while over 2 seasons.

And now you decided it was more than you expected?
Where have you been for the last 6 months?

Something is wrong here.
Please bring back Chantodo and leave it alone who ever is in charge in Classic games!

Agreed. In addition, instead of nerfing Chantodo set, why not buff the sets of other classes such as Barb to the same level/GR as the Chantodo set? I guess it’s too much trouble for the devs to do?


People need to accept that there has to be nerfs too. Instead nerfing OP builds the constant buffing of the rest is the one of the biggest reasons why there’s been such insane amount of power creep.

If one is significantly above others, the correct option is to nerf it. Buffing to the rest to match it requires far more effort and is much more likely to bring more imbalance and once again one different build is above others.


Yes, there have been nerfs from day one in Vanilla D3.

But here’s the big issue, Blizzard Classic Games is nerfing Chantodo after over 6 months of play.

Why didn’t they nerf it after the first season it came out?

Because everyone has posted in forum for gr 150 cap to be raised.
Blizzard Classic Games is not going to do that.

So some big dog in BCG said, "No to 150 cap being raised boys! Instead scale back power creep. Let the kids playing D3 on client end feel the wrath going backwards to gr 130 as the highest they can go!

So it’s better to nerf ONE OP build instead of buffing others to match it in it’s power or be at least in 2-5 GR range (no need to evevn match it), cause it takes less time to do it and they don’t have their loyal playerbase to check out the changes in PTR servers? Right…:roll_eyes:

I already mentioned it many times on the forum and I’ll do it again. NERFS do more harm than good. Now Chantodo Vyr’s (third Wiz build…) build is probably useless and you won’t even get close to 140 GR with or even 135… Funniest thing is I never liked that build, yet undertanded that it would be wiser to buff other class sets and their supporting legendaries so you could actually get closer to GR 150…

It’s ridiculous that you could get up to 97-99 level in closed bnet in less than 3 months maybe 6 in D2 LoD, yet you’re not allowed to clear GR 150 (even solo) after years of playing, cause servers would explode or insert any other deranged excuse…


Absolutely agree Gasnick!
Blizzard please reconsider this awful choice of yours.

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Although Blizzard will likely “nerf” the Chantodo set regardless of what we say, the least that Blizzard can do is add (or increase) a buff to another set (or usable legendary gear piece) of Wiz to compensate for the “nerf”. This might make it easier to accept the “nerf” to Chantodo set.

The off and on time I spent since D3 came to attention playing, it seems every time there is a nerf or buff, there’s going to be one side that hates it and another that wants it.
I remember long ago people complaining about barbs being the most powerful all the time…now look at them, for quite a while now they are at the bottom. Even with nerfs always hitting wizards, they still end up quite high on the leaderboards compared to many others.

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Chant’s need the nerf though and if you didn’t see how powerful it was then you were blind… When it is outperforming pretty much every other build, it needs to be brought back. The whole “buff everything up to the current best” has got to stop. Remember that unless something major changes with the way health works, GR150 will always be the cap due to the limitations of 4pl monster health. I still think the target they are going for it around GR130ish for solo builds.

The BR change was prob to keep it from being basically a much stronger BotS gem. It have a far quicker damage amp time and since there was no limit, the damage it could do was limitless and don’t think it was intended to be a RGK item on its own


…and good riddance. Vyr is still on the zero play list until they allow remapping of skills for me.

It has been OP for too long and is long overdue for a balance check.

Ha ha ha.

Delicious tears.

I play strictly Wizard, but I welcome this nerf. I want to know why Bazooka was left untouched though? What’s the logic in that.


I like how we got nerfed and Brandy’s over here talking about cows and cosmetics :rofl:


During the D3 beta-test, some people complained about Followers doing too much damage and they were nerfed into the ground. They still do crap damage today!

Lol really? That’s funny.

Yeah, they were mad that Followers were able to solo the Skeleton King.

Actually, if anyone that has a well developed character goes all the way down to the lowest level, the follower probably still can take out the Skeleton King at the lowest level. Most kill trash at T6 & T7 people say so it’s likely. That is funny though if it’s higher levels.

the slighly nerft to chantodo is justified period. don’t bother more about it.

Until we actually see what the nerf is in playtesting, there isn’t really any reason to go apeslag over it just yet. Speculation is just that - speculation. Fire up the PTR once it’s out and give it a whirl, then leave your feedback.


Nev, could you please check with hacks team if they are going to do anything about Macro tool for Bazooka wizard. It is sold on Internet and I did forward all info over the mail 1+ months ago.


Boo frickidy hoo! Your overpowered cheater build is getting nerfed.
Make another build.
What with power creep in builds it will be back there in a few months.