Good bye to Wiz Chant in next patch

Read the patch notes.

[Chantodo’s Resolve]
The scaled attack speed damage bonus to Wave of Destruction has been reduced
Developer Note: This is a reactive adjustment from an earlier change to how Wave of Destruction receives a bonus from Attack Speed. The buff that resulted from that change was more than we expected, so we’re reigning it in.

Enjoy the Wizard Chantodo Build in what’s left of this season.

I’m glad they went after chantodo instead of the vyr set. I’m no barb expert, but I hope these changes appease the barbarian community if only a bit.

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Where are these patch notes?

Right here. :slight_smile:


sweeeeet :yum: thx Nevs and Devs! :grinning:

I hope that Chantodo isn’t too nerfed. The set is obviously powerful for people who are pushing GR’s, but for the less dedicated, Chantodo doesn’t seem THAT powerful. The Vyr/Chantod combo is pretty weak outside of Archon form after all.

I’m currently farming GR79, and I know that my Marauder/Cluster Arrow/Rocket build from last season was handling it much easier.

I was hoping that the new Crusader set would allow for a summoning build. Too bad.

I was already going to play an Immortal King Barbarian next season. Hopefully the new Legendaries gives the set a bit more oomph.


I ask this because I do not know the answer.
Won’t capping bone ringer also change the way all of the thorns builds work?

I can see I will be getting a few weapons turned into 15x forgotten souls - again.
It’s all part of the advancement I suppose.

EDIT: While on the subject of the necromancer, reminding the dev’s that the phylactery’s could really use some love as in more of them and more options for transmogs… there is truly a limited choice next to other character classes.

It looks like vyrs chantato is RIP for GR100 speeds now and Thorns Necro might not even be possible for GR150s seeing as they are now capping the bone ringer.
Way to nerf builds that are actually fun to play Blizz
Will definately at a minimum be testing vyrs. If so its just going to mean everyone has to Rats again for speeds and nothing else is viable


@ nev. Do we have a nerf number range? The build is 143-145 solo records. What kind of gr tiers you guys nerfing it to? Will it kill vyr speeds??

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Thorns Necro and Wiz Chantodo is going to be a thing of the past.

Blizzard we really enjoyed playing these builds.

Sometimes an unintended thing is wonderful by accident!

Wow, no more posts during next season about raise the gr 150 cap.


Because only the NS 9K+ boys/girls will be doing gr 150’s.

Noone in season will be doing gr 150’s again possibly!

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Pretty much just kills seasonal play for me. If there nerfing these why bother continue to play season if my build is just getting nerf and become useless


Given the nerf to chantodo, are there any changes planned for the bazooka build? My recollection is that Blizzard stated that it was not an exploit but were monitoring this situation to determine if a nerf might be in order if that build became too dominant.


On the positive side…

The kill triggers - look like FUN!!!

I can see everyone will be trying to see what happens at 1,000 kills. :slight_smile:
(I wonder if they have a bent sense of humor - so far - no cows).-


Looking forward to Thursday ptr.

the group buff should be easily attainable for open maps in a gr.

lol, this could be epic!

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What are you talking about. Get a decent boss with a thorns necro and you already need a minute to kill it. Maybe two. Even if it takes 2:30 instead of 2 minutes, it’s still the best boss killer in 150. However, it also means 150 gem ups will be super boring cause you won’t have a way to kill bosses fast (except for few). Yay, more fishing.

I gather you mean in meta. I have not looked for a few days, but last I looked there were no solo players at 150, even the 9,000 paragon people.

Time for bone spirit rgk then :grin:


I have a feeling Blizzard Classic Devs are homogenizing our game by pulling the preferred two or three higher performing builds back and forcing us to pour a drink from the same bottle now.

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Seeing chantodo nerfed while starpact survives yet another season is really beyond my grasp. After so many seasons there was a new option instead of rats, but nope… let’s kill diversity.


Bringing more builds performing around the same gr lvl may be a sign that D4 is indeed on the way and Blizzard Classic devs are attempting to make the game more even across the board.

I don’t know,… it’s just a thought.

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