Good Bye old Friend

I hate to quit because I really like the game. I currently have a paragon 63 Necro that I love to play, and was actually lucky enough to get a 5 star echoing gem. I have upgraded it once to Rank 2, and it costs quite a bit. However when I went to rank it up to 3, was my “opening of the eyes moment” of how much this game is to upgrade gear. I just logged in, bought about 75 dollars worth of material to upgrade it, than realized that i will need alot more than that, probably at least double to upgrade it. This is utterly ridiculous. I have been playing Diablo since Diablo 1, and never in my dreams could I never imagined the level of greed these companies stoop too. But I want to thank BliZZ for waking me up, and driving me away from this ridiculous addictive predatory monetization game. Im too competitive to stick with the f2p content only, but i will not pay thousands of dollars to be somewhat competitive also. This is not gaming, this is ridiculous. It saddens me but I will be uninstalling the game, I cant do this. Over 25 years playing Diablo, Im a old school Diablo player, and now a very disappointed one. You should have charged money for the game, around 50 to 60 bucks than had a battlepass, and made everything a level playing field. I dont recognize this Blizzard anymore. I will be uninstalling DI will not be playing anymore Blizzard games. It saddens me, but goodbye old friend, this old blote cant afford it.


While you are allowed to do whatever you want, wait until Diablo 4 arrives and see what is up.
From what I’ve seen on trailers and such, it looks pretty good tbh.

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Hello darkness, my old friend…


You honestly typed all this out just to make a cow level pun? And your first post? It’s a good try, but don’t think we didn’t catch it.

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Yeah, that was all I got out of their post as well. Soon as I saw that I just stopped reading.

Good choice, game is trash and dying, let’s go brandon!

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The monetization is a farce and should be illegal.


Meanwhile whales enjoying their new D:I gaming keyboard…


I didn’t know anyone was still playing this. Well… better late than never.

I haven’t spent a dime in Immortal nor will I ever spend even a single cent in it.

I can do a lot of things that I need to do for free. In time I will learn how to get to where I want to be without worrying about going from free to play to spending money.

Actually to be honest Immortal isn’t made for us normal players that would only spend around 60 bucks for a game. No, it is for the upper elite crowd that would be able to afford spending around $60,000 to buy the game.

I am still playing it to learn what I want to learn. Also I want to see what changes are coming. I know they will be making changes, at least for the season 2 battle pass. Along with any new additions, fixes, etc…

I don’t need to be competitive, or do anything like that at all. I am comfortable doing what I normally do in the game. As long as I am not truly forced into spending money or doing anything in the game that I don’t want to do. Meaning that my choices don’t matter then I say bye to the game

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You spelled Skinner Box wrong.

Yup, still playing, still haven’t bout anything other than that 99 cent cosmetic.

How embarrassing. You can take off all your gear and do just fine in elder rifts. It’s literally an illusion of progression and still without $$$. I’d be embarrassed to admit to enjoying such a remedial experience.

Good for. Good think you don’t get to tell other how they should be enjoying things.

thanks for saving me 75 bucks

Yes you will. Make all the “I quit” threads you want, you aren’t going anywhere.

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maybe reading the last part will clear your mind

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Cow puns? What are you on about? Please try to pay attention. He’s venting about his beef with Diablo Immortal. The in-game shop just milks people for all they’re worth. Have you seen the money these streamers are pumping into the game? I didn’t even pay calf as much for my last car! Take this game out to pasture if you ask me, it’s a pile of manure.


Best wishes towards future endeavors. I am still F2P Diablo Immortal. Zero spent. It is just a different twist with D2 / D3 stories.

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I liked leveling up as well… When I got to 60 and needed people to play with to get gear, I stopped…