Golden Scourge vs. Pig Sticker?

Is there one to be confirmed better? I see people running both, some say that scourge is better due to %Holy, some say sticker is better because of the high IAS and extra roll.

Any hard math or evidence to prove it?

These seasonal buffs are so powerful, that if you use them properly it doesn’t matter that weapon you use - pig sticker or the golden scourge ( which is much easier to get ) or ( I saw it in the ladder ) skycutter or even akanesh, etc.

I’ve been testing solo 120’s with either weapon & find the pig sticker gives me faster times with less deaths but that could change higher up for all I know.
With all the map rng good luck with hard math :grin:

What does the pig sticker even do? Why do people want it?

Pig Sticker comes with a high default attack speed. Higher AS means more Heaven’s Fury blasts and faster resetting of your cds.

I have a primal Akanesh and despite each attack hitting harder I find that it “feels” worse compared to an ancient Pig Sticker because the slower AS not keeping cds off and taking more time to stack/maintain FotH.

Akanesh is similar to the Golden Scourge in that it comes with +%Holy. However the GS is base 1.4 AS, whereas Akanesh is 1.2. (Pig is 1.5)

There are also 4(?) bosses that are affected by PS’s beast/human bonus, which can roll up to 30%.

I haven’t managed to craft an ancient GS to try out vs the Pig Sticker yet. In theory it should be relatively comparable. Just a different way to get a reasonably fast weapon. For that matter you could also try Skycutter (1.4 AS and +%Holy).

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Ah interesting, thx for the reply!

It’s not only that Pig Sticker has a very high attack speed, it also rolls with one more primary affix than any other one-hander, which means you could get an extra damage affix compared to anything else, e.g. Area Damage, Versus Elites, and so on.

There seems to be a new kid on the block. The Johanna’s Argument (the hammerdin Flail) & using blessed hammer, I persumed to procs sticken fast. I see poeple used the dominion rune which has no CC. I guess someone need to cc the RG for the cruz for this setup to work. Otherwise the other rune choice would be Brute force which has a chance to stun.

I guess this build is only for RGK as its awful to play in speed or solo.

Exactly. I am of the same idea. With Johanna’s you loose 0.10 Base AS but with the unique affix it is much faster proc Stricken on Boss. Therefore Blessed Hammer resource cost is negligible if we consider Crimson + Unstoppable Force.
Obviously you can kill the RG also with PS: here we are talking about speed GR150 runs.
Finally, CC is applied to RG only when a decent amount of Stricken stacks has been delivered, so that RGK can maximize Bracers of Fury unique affix.