Give us choise to play alone in D4

I assume the rewards you may get from world boss within a period of time is limited, like challenge rift. I think Blizzard is capable of handling this well. But still its existance is punishment on solo-only players.

They just need to make sure that the world bosses drops aren’t exclusive, that way solo players aren’t punished if they choose to not partake in fighting them.


The simple existence of things I don’t enjoy does not feel like punishment to me. I don’t feel punished if someone else enjoys a movie, book, beverage, sport, game, game aspect, hobby, TV show, etc.

Punishment means real pain or distress caused by physical contact, financial consequences, career setbacks, etc.

I mean, I can walk by other people being happy and enjoying something without personally getting offended and feeling punished. :slight_smile:

Now, if the ONLY way to acquire certain best gear is through World Bosses then those who don’t like to group could argue they are punished by not getting those items. I really hope Blizz does not do that. As long as comprable, or the same, gear is available via other game modes nobody is forced to do anything nor punished for not doing it.


Nope. World Events are just bounties from “Diablo” 3 which no one ever asked for.

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I expect it to work like D3 bounties although the reward will not be as exclusive. Maybe punishment is not the best word for it.

However you actually will question youself why you’re attempting to get the same reward in much longer time, if you should choose to solo for it.

That being said, myself don’t have a good solution to it. I hope world boss is only a playstyle and not something everyone is encouraged by rewards to do.

They said there gonna be “support builds”. So the answer is no so far.

“Support build” is not necessarily equal to the hated “ZDPS” builds from D3.
In retrospect, a game like D2 had it right. A barb comes in the game, shouts for defense, increased life and mana, 1 extra skill point, and could still do dmg (as WW, Frenzy or whatever his build was).
Druid comes to the game, brings an Oak Sage for the party, but can still dmg as a shapeshifter or elementalist. This was a good system.
D3’s system sucks and I doubt it will come back in a similar way in D4. I don’t think the new devs are that stupid.

Well, so far they said that they are going to introduce “as good combat as in D3”. Which means it will be like in D3, and we are seeing it now already from the demo. Gameplay is alike. As for D2, they took visuals and a skill tree. Maybe, if community presses enough, they’ll make items a bit more complex too, maybe even up to the level of D2. But so far gameplay is gonna be like in D3.

If there is, they are not optional by any meaningful definition of the word.

Imo it is already bad enough if they cant be soloed, even if they dont drop anything unique.
I dont mind the open MMO world. It really should be optional though. While you are not “punished”, it is still actual gameplay content you cant access solo. I dont see any player-friendly reason for that.


That’s one heck of a stretch.

Why not give the option to create private games? That way, if you don’t want to participate in the shared world and see randoms running everywhere, you don’t have to. If you love the idea of a shared world, you can do that too.


You mean you never asked for.

There are players who are fine with it.

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They talk about combat in terms of the so called fluidity of D3. It still doesn’t mean the game will require you to ZDPS. This… I simply don’t believe this will come back. I don’t think the characters will have so many buffs, so that you can fill the entire bar the way ZDPS does.

It’s also the fact, that the game is open world. You will have to traverse certain distances in order to get to the world boss. Meaning, you will need damage skills in order to be fine on your own. If they limit where you can respec (in town only) it will play out like world quests in WoW (legion and after).

I can see a character having one or maybe two buffs on the skill bar (mostly defensive ones), but I don’t see them bringing ZDPS back. They would have to be very stupid to do so.

It all depends on the skills they gonna make. Barb’s hook, charge, warcry are already there. What we need is some other char’s aoe healing and smth like monk’s cyclone (unannounced paladin?), and here you are - both Zdps supps are ready to fill the screen with mobs to be killed with any aoe damaging ability.

From what I know, D3 devs never planned Zpds builds. But the skills and passives were there and so players concocted those themselves.

if not, there will be way less copies sold.

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You do not have to do world events in order to progress the campaign or your character. You will be perfectly fine progressing through the campaign along with dungeons. So you will never be forced to do such events. Just because they are there doesn’t mean that you must do them.

Think about MMOs. Let’s say that you love PvP. Does the existence of raid dungeons mean that you must do them in order to get the gear for PvP. AFAIK no it doesn’t, the only ones that would be concerned about it are completionist. If you are not one of those types then just ignore them like they are not there.

You will no doubt be able to get better gear just by staying solo. If I understand D4 the harder the endgame dungeon the better the loot. So the best loot is tied to solo dungeons. Also Blizz has long abandoned the idea of farming bosses to target from certain pieces of gear.

You do realize that other players were asking for an improvement over D2’s lobby. Well they are getting it in the form of town hubs. You have other players there that you can chat with. Instead of being happy they are QQ’ing, man those ones are hard to please.

I doubt that monk would be one of the initial five classes. The other two are either the Rogue (if no gender lock) or Amazon. Diablo games have always had a bow archetype in them. Also one of the pieces of artwork for D4 are shields. Unless barbs or druids will use shields along with the fact that one of them seem to have a symbol that could suggest Zakarum. that right there suggest Paladin. So I would say that the other class is Paladin.

Pls Blizzard: i dont want d4 becomming an MMO. I dont Play MMO. I dont wanna see ppl spamming skills in town. Or Bots forcing Trades.
I Just wanna Play solo.


…with missing unique rewards/progression/achievements as unwanted side-effect, i fear.

will that part be AS solo-friendly, as in D3 ?!

how long will those battles take to complete, on average ?
-like in some games very long, where the World Boss will attack and kill the weak characters first and often ?
-will a killed character be still in that fight ?
-will those battles, like in POE, be made a chore by having to do a whole scenario of steps to finally kill him on the last step, or will we have a pure direct boss fiight ?

but will average solo players, like me, be able to reach a high enough level to get all lootdrops, like the MP-meta-speedrunners…?
-for instance, primal ancients at 1/3 of max level, like in D3 ?

he and i mean ‘unwanted’ and ‘frustrating’, like every challenge that players want to skip, because those aren’t fun for them.

is there actually a good reason for solo players to move to the MP-friendly D4 ?
-will D4 be a real fun aRPG blaster for solo only players, without feeling weak from the start and never feeling and getting powerful on their own ?

how long will D3 stay fully maintained, when D4 on PC is a success…?


Not long…

Some streamers were already expressing their concerns as to what happens to D3 when D4 launches and if hopefully it ends up being a huge success.

I guess it is going to just “exist”.

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if so, it would already be good enough for me;
-i have the same kind of fun in the D3 mobblaster for years now.