Give the community mod support for Diablo IV

I petition that the community is given the tools of creation to make the next Diablo game truly great. Player mods will sell more units than any advertisement ever will. It’s free content for the players and will exponentially increase not only the lifespan of the game but the popularity over it’s lifetime as a product.

The way you could keep pirates from playing these mods is to give no support to previous versions of the game and mods can only be played on up to date clients. Which the master server could check for easily.

Along with this I petition for an offline campaign and server browser to browse for modded games to be searched for and to join those games. The way this could work is you’d load up the game and are connected to blizzard servers and can play on their network if you want actual progression in seasons. If you don’t want to progress anymore in that season you could go to browse games in the server browser. This would also attract streamers to play a variety of mods and would be free advertisement for the game and thus increase sales.

Lastly I suggest removing all item restrictions from Diablo IV for hardcore since all items are deleted upon death. There’s no point in having item restrictions to keep items rare and valuable since every death deletes everything on that character. No one in their right mind would buy gear on hardcore much like how the RMAH in D3 had no option to buy items no one would buy them now either. At least no sane and rational person.

Just a reminder that Diablo 3 had no mod support and since day one has been flooded with bots and with no sign of stopping. Not supporting mods won’t stop bots or any advanced AI.

The always online aspect of D3 has been nothing but a detriment to the community. Please listen to the community when we demand an offline mode to not only preserve the game for future generations but for mod support to make a truly amazing Diablo experience. I’m very sure good mods would rise in popularity and eventually be added into the game or become their own game type much like DoTA, Counter strike, Team Fortress and pubg to name a few.