Gibbering Gemstone...Holy Crap!

Well, Chiltara just dropped me the Gibbering Gemstone in a T15 Bounty, after not seeing one for at least a year…

I was beginning to wonder if it still existed.

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What are the chances of that?

Yes, I’m playfully pulling your leg about statistics.

Yeah. Last two seasons I got THAT one, but couldn’t find the bloody mushroom! I can always find the bone of course. haha

I picked up the mushroom this Season on a Bounty, but it was on another account, so no help there…

I’ve found two this season. Now what are the odds of that?!?

I also dropped one this season along with Liquid Rainbow. Seems like countless seasons since I’ve seen a Gibbering Gemstone, so this motivated me to farm for the materials to make another Staff of Herding.

The loot buff to Rainbow Goblin’s Whimsydale definitely puts this Whimsyshire to shame, but its still a fun diversion available at anytime … definitely Rainbow portrait worthy (if you don’t have it yet) and easier to farm for the Spectrum and Hamburger transmogs.

This farming guide isn’t bad … though the Leoric’s Manor path is not as complicated. Basically enter the Manor from the Leoric’s Manor Courtyard waypoint and hit the room to the right of the staircase split (Royal Quarters) and look for a spawn in the fireplace (rinse/repeat)

I call lies! :open_mouth:
Mwahahahaha :stuck_out_tongue:

Approximately 1 in 17.372 bajillion.

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Me too. One in a public bounty, one doing goblin runs. Both on T16.