It’s been mentioned in General Discussion (well I was the one to mention it), but you can complete those conquests with one character on the DH.
As would be expected, you have to complete a GR 55 with all five DH sets. Easily doable with four of them simply using a Hungering Arrow Build.
UE, Marauder’s, GoD, and Natayla (N6/GoD4 hybrid) and then just make a standard S6 build or a Bolas build will work too.
For the sixth set, gamble mojo’s. Every Zunimassa’s mojo you get you can use the cube to convert it to another set piece. Once you have the 5 pieces that aren’t the mojo or headdress (ie: Ring, Chest, Pants, Boots, and Gloves) use the RoRG to complete the set. (edit: you can mix it with GoD by wearing the helm and shoulders)
I went pretty defense heavy with Wraps of Clarity worn, Elusive Ring cubed or worn (RoRG being the substitute in either case) along with Vengeance Dark Heart. With Ninth Cirri either worn or cubed your damage should be plenty since you’re going to be wearing Hunter’s Wrath most likely and have Depth Diggers cubed.
The only truly essential gem is Simplicity’s Strength. In Hardcore, I used a 110 ranked one and in softcore it was much much lower. (Sorry can’t remember exactly but I believe it was less than 55. The other gems can be anything really. I mean really. In hardcore I used Esoteric and Mutilation Guard while in Softcore BotT and BotP were used.
Then just make a Hungering Arrow Generator build in any manner you want to. I just used the same skill set up that most use with GoD with the exception of removing Strafe for a skill like Shadow Power, Preparation/Focused Mind or something along those lines.
The Grift will be relatively easy running anywhere between 5 and 7 min give or take. The fight with the Guardian won’t be a one shot but will be finished somewhere in the ballpark of 30 sec.
This works on both softcore and hardcore. However, you can’t use the same trick with Tal Rasha’s and orbs.
But I have confirmed it on the DH.
Just letting folks know. I hope this helps folks this season and in future seasons that include Years of War/Dynasty as Conquests.
I have no idea if this is known to most of the community but thought I’d put together this little guide in case it wasn’t.
Edit # 2:
As far as what stats for your equipment:
Pants: either roll Int to Dex or another stat to Hungering Arrow Dam. (I recommend Hungering Arrow.
Gloves: Int to Dex. You could keep Int and roll another stat to Crit Dam if you want to.
Boots: Int to Dex.
Chest: Int to Dex.
Note: None of these stats are absolutely necessary. You can if you want to leave them as you find them and be able to finish the Grift in time. The stats will just make it faster. But if you don’t have a lot of materials, I’d say leave them as you find them.