Get rid of all these useless torment modes

Like seriously. Everyone only ques into the highest torment and the world monsters are way too easy. Everything is dead easy besides high GR and once you reach high GR it’s just a matter of grouping and using the seasonal buff.

I’m sick of queing into high torments and getting partnered with paragon level players 200 less than me. I keep leaving game and rejoining until I find a decent group. Sometimes this takes 20 attempts until I find a decent group, it’s ridiculous.

Why can’t world enemies (everything outside Greater Rifts) just scale to the collective paragon level of a group? It makes much more sense than the convoluted system currently in place and would actually give exploring the world a purpose again.


How does an outsider even look at this game without bursting into laughter… 20+ difficulties stretching out an extremely thin playerbase, +20,000% damage multipliers on set bonuses. What a joke.


I agree remove everything under 13.


If you’re joining pubs, obvioisly you can’t expect all teammates to be around your paragon. Get a group.

This would just make early progression excruciating.


Or they just improve matchmaking based on paragon level and get rid of the torment system like sensible human-beings.


I know. It was drowning in sarcasm. Forgot the /s

Just rework Torment levels to 1-6 instead of 1-16


I agree, a re-scale would be better imo.


I guess none of you play solo Hardcore.


I actually did last season.

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and for those of us they play solo, and may need these t levels to work our way forward?

i am a solo casual player, while you may not need these levels, i do

the game is not made for just you, it is made for everyone

join a clan or a community if you are looking for good group play

they made these features for a reason


Please bring back the down vote.


Remember me that years ago, during my playing time, we were like 12 players in T4 and only 1 running T5 (non-season)
At this time I was considering this as something which divide the community, now I can’t say anything good about all these level

Normal, Nightmare, Hell.


Getting rid of torment modes(?) levels(?), will not fix this. We need a better lobby feature where we can create games with titles and have restrictions or requirements to join and other players can view these games like a list, similar to what D2 has.


So you want something like this:

Torment 1.
Torment 16.

So when you starts the game, you will stick at Normal mode for few weeks (months) until your character can farm T1 and then farm at T1 for another few weeks (or months) so we can play at T16?


Keep torments, but make more reason to farm T’s - like, more materials or something.

I love that this game can be set to be really easy, really hard, and every slight gradient in between. It’s one of its best features compared to other ARPGs. A little bored? Turn it up a notch or two. Game feels like a slog? Turn it down one or two notches.

Those of you who are complaining about finding groups need to join a clan or community of players similar to you and stop relying on random PUGs.

Like others have stated, you cannot just remove the Torments. You need to rework them based on the power scaling of the game.

I simple 1:10 ratio solves almost every issue. Hardcore players complain about it, but a 4pc set can easily do GR20 which is all we need for a 6pc set and GG. Thus there is no issue at all assuming the seasonal rewards get reworked with the new scaling.

On top of this, I would like the top Torment difficulty in the rework to equal GR100. Let everything above GR100 be for just GR’s, everything under can be the “Testing Ground” for a build to be deemed “viable”.

As a new player who started playing about a week ago, I feel like all these torment levels are very useful for me. I was slowly increasing my torment levels as I was gearing to solo a GR70. Now that I’ve cleared it, I am back at farming rifts at T12.

With that said, I realize that new players are probably less than 1% of the total player base, but I wanted to share my experience anyways.