Any of us posting here have already pre-purchased, but maybe you have a friend or family member who has not done so. Maybe a friend who just wants to try multiplayer with you this weekend.
Blizz is setting up a system where if someone watches 2.5 hours of a D2R Twitch stream (no sub or donation needed), they can get Early Access Beta enabled for their account. Read the rules in the Twitter post carefully. It is time limited but seems easy to do. Qualifying regions only (I don’t know what that means - prob means not China seeing as they don’t have Beta access).
This does NOT grant access to the full game once it goes Live. They would still have to buy it.
Twitter post
How to link your Bnet account to your Twitch Account.
- Link your Bnet to Twitch as per the instructions
- Watch a total of 2.5 hours of one streamer with drops enabled between 10am Friday Aug 13th and 12pm Sat Aug 14th (PACIFIC TIME). You watch in separate blocks as long as it is the same streamer.
- Claim the drop on your Twitch Drops Homepage.
- Log into Bnet and enjoy! There is no code to enter. The system with linked accounts directly enables access on the linked Bnet account.
Also, remember to test and report bugs - esp multiplayer. There is a great in-game bug reporting tool to use that captures lots of data along with what you type making it easier for QA.
This seems apropos of everything…
Well, Blizz does not sell your info so there is that. From your link.
Blizzard takes your privacy seriously. We do not sell your personal information.
United States privacy laws afford residents of some states additional privacy rights. At Blizzard, we support state-specific privacy rights, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), that allow residents to opt out of future sale of personal information.
Sure, Blizzard might. Might.
Twitch or whatever? Possibly wholly different. And is - they sell to advertisers.
So, you know.
Not saying the “freebie” isn’t worth it, possibly. But it comes with marionette strings.
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Oh I hear you. I don’t have ANY accounts linked to anything else that I can think of. I just don’t trust corporations with my data.
I will say though, Blizz has had all my personal data now since 2000 and has never lost or sold it. That is a way better track record than my Govt which had lots of my personal information hacked 
So to be clear, EVERYONE that preordered has access to this beta, right? What was the point in that opt in thing for the beta a while back?
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Correct. This is Early Access to the Open Beta for Pre-orders. Open Beta for EVERYONE is the weekend after.
Opt in initially was for the Technical Alpha and they planned a MultiPlayer Alpha too. Maybe a Closed Beta. Tech Alpha folks were selected from the Opt-in pool.
It seems they skipped any further Closed testing that used the opt in pool and decided to just go to the Open Beta phases (early access then full open).
Maybe it means they are happy with results so did not feel they had to pull folks in for additional closed testing?
Aaah. I knew about the alpha, I missed the chance for that one. I remember they changed it to opt in for beta though and had been hoping to get into that.
Glad to hear I won’t miss out on it 
Have they mentioned which twitch streams are doing drops? And do you have to be linked to twitch on the account that will get it, or does it drop as a key that can be shared?
They did not name which streamers will have D2R Drops enabled. Check with your favorite streamers though and see if they have it. Most of the Diablo related ones should.
You DO have to link your Bnet account to your Twitch account from what I can see. That is why the article on how to link the accounts is posted in the official Twitter post and in my post 
I don’t think it is a code key that you can use for other things/apply yourself. I am asking around now though. Will update.
Ok, yeah it is directly enabled on the Bnet account, it is not a code. Anyone wanting to get Early Access this way will need to do some lurking.
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Yeah I assumed you would need to link, but my friend I was hoping to get to try the game is not much into twitch.
I’ll have to see if I can get him to watch it for a couple hours at least.
Just make sure he checks the times that the access drops are enabled. It is 10am PDT Friday Aug 13th to 12pm PDT Sat Aug 14th. So those 2.5 watching hours needs to be in that window. It also does NOT need to be consecutive. He can watch in separate chunks as long as it is the same streamer. The hours will add up to the 2.5.
I will be streaming so you are all welcome to watch my angelic face on my tiny little channel! I have drops enabled so I got you if you win the beta access.
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Tell him to leave his browser on with the tab audio muted (twitch audio on) if he doesn’t feel like watching. That’s what I did to get valorant access.
Yep, that works. In this case it is cumulative watching a streamer as well so it does not have to take up much time at once. Just make sure they watch one streamer - the time is not added up if they watch diff ones.
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