Game play is unplayable d/t lag

I am having trouble and wonder if someone can help? I load up Diablo III, click resume game and wait for the loading screen. Once I get into the game it is very laggy, and I’m unable to do anything. I can’t move or select anything in the game. It played fine on this last Friday but on Saturday it was unplayable. Any help will be appreciated. Also I have tried all the trouble shooting methods on the support page and it didn’t help.


Since you tried troubleshooting with out any change. Can you please collect the following data and get it back to us in this thread:

  • While in game press (CTRL+R) report back what your average FPS is.

  • Run a WinMTR to host IP: for 10 minutes when this issue is occurring.

This information should help us track down the issue!

Thank you.

Hi Zuvykree

Im also having the same problem about fluctuating high and low latencies. My FPS in-game is around 115. I tried ping the americas server and i frequently get “request time out” messages which I think is causing many players including me to experience high latencies…when will you fix this because many players are suffering from this same problem…

Howdy Honey27,

This is not an outstanding issue. If you are seeing no results and only request timed out that is a sign the network security such as Windows Firewall or router is setup not to respond to ICMP protocol or the port is blocked. I would recommend speak with your Internet Service Provider about fixing this so you can run the test properly.

Thank you.