Game keeps crashing, tried all suggested resources

As the topic states, my game keeps crashing. “The application encountered an unexpected error.” 91DC93C1-FFE4-4C04-B686-36D269B63BEE I tried all the trouble shooting suggestions listed on this website. I even resorted to uninstall and reinstall…still crashing!!!

Is there anything else I could possibly do? Please help.

Edit…new error code: FD3009E5-4087-4F43-BE69-BBF038C54061

Yeah, I’m having same issue. Alot of other people as well. Hopefully a fix before season 22 hits.

Add your Crash ID to this thread, with details of where in the game you were, e.g. Adventure Mode or Campaign Mode, which map, etc…

I’m playing campaign mode, Gardens of Hope 2nd tier on the quest the Light of Hope to find portal to the crystal colonnade.


Please be sure to reference the main thread if you are crashing repeatedly in the same zone/area/campaign consistently. Our team is requesting details and information here: