Game is to easy

the game is no easy you are new and de dificulty is to low. try hardcore if you are god at not dynig

end game to me is having fun playing my own builds, not other players metabuild to get 50 Griftlevels higher than the rest…


I can relate to that.
And I understand what you mean.

For someone that start off a new account and CAN’T access anything else that Expert difficulty until beat Act4, the game is frustratingly easy… The difficult name is “Expert” and it really isn’t anything difficult at all… a fresh newcomer to ARPGs can playing it with not much of a challenge. And anyone of us can’t even enjoy it.

Blizzard was so worried about end game, they messed the early game COMPLETELY

Did you play vanilla D3? For a time it was frustratingly difficult.

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Op its bc the D3 devs were incorrect. that’s why.
they wanted to avoid baal runs obvi, but then they ruined the game by putting everything on elites and nothing on bosses.

It was a huuuuge elementary mistake, and they’ve never owned up to it too, which is the bigger problem, their realism / accountability / initiative-taking and talking about that mistake on their own merit over being asked about it first.

I think this is part of the problem. Maybe “expert” should be renamed “very easy” since you can face tank everything. Normal should be renamed to “Happiness and Rainbows mode” so people know its a joke.

I miss D3 when it had a static difficulty system. Unfortunately those days are long gone. Now we have 250 difficulty levels with infinite paragon scaling.

I tried grammarly just so see how bad my grammar really is. My grammar is just about spot on except some cases where I start a sentence in a truncated way making it incomplete. However I’m pretty sure the rationale is well understood.

For some reason grammarly doesn’t like the word really. Maybe because it is a difficult word to define in the sense used. It means: existing in the case specified in general but with exception i.e. because of the exception(s) you can’t assert the premise or premises with absolute certainty; or if you know a thing or two about math what you are asserting is a subset of the general case because of exception: it doesn’t span the whole case.

I was nitpicking for fun and because I disagreed…

But come on… didn’t you see?
“too hard” vs “to hard”?

That’s the only thing I particularly noticed, but I found it too funny to let it pass!

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It probably would not take a lot of coding to put a clickable ‘New player help’ facility within the game that explains to any new player that certain levels are only available after meeting certain criteria.

Sure a large proportion of people on here do not need it, but it would be mainly text info and could be done unobtrusively, or only pop up when a person finishes installing and logging in for the very first time.
Either way, it’s not the OPs fault he did not know there are 16 torment levels. Even if they purchased a boxed set, it’s not like anyone can say RTFM. :slight_smile:

I don’t think this would really help a lot as the problem still exists, which is that any difficulty that isn’t preceded by the word Torment is a joke and new players are locked to those difficulties for a while.

I think too many modern games are absolutely terrified of letting a new player make even the slightest mistake. A new player playing on the hardest difficulty available to them shouldn’t have to go out of their way to even come remotely close to dying.

Especially in a game like Diablo 3 where dying doesn’t even cost you anything, and if you feel you messed up your build you can respec as much as you’d like in town.

The way many modern games treat new players, you’d think it was a miracle any of us managed to figure out how to play games in the 90s and early 2000s.

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Lucky we are persistent eh? :wink:

Though if it was worded moderately well something like:
“As you progress in the game, the difficulty will increase and monsters will get tougher and do more damage. You will need to …in order progress and unlock higher levels… this will…” etc etc

I suppose you are correct but it does serve as an indicator which is more than what exists at present.

EDIT: As for the modern games, you have possibly explained why The Witcher was popular because it was less forgiving.
'Ok, I’m dead. Wrong choice. Oh crap, I didn’t save it before I started.’

Many modern games are certainly over streamlined. However Guild Wars 1 had 20 levels and 8 skill slots and I don’t think any stats like str/dex and it is one of the best rpg systems ever. Diablo 3 is sort of in that category. Drops in D3 aren’t something really progressive. You fill up your inventory then auto optimize your character. Skills you pick up in D3 don’t seem to have much in the way of situational usage. I’ve swapped between this and that depending on how fast or slow I want to move through the game. I remember playing a N/MO in GW1 and I’d swap between summons and blood magic and curses and holy magic depending on the situation. Maybe this is different with adventureseasons and rifts in diablo 3 I haven’t done them.

I would put diablo 3 in the category of a fancy gauntlet legends. There is nothing wrong with that as long as the combat requires some foresight and maybe a little bit of reflex. Theory crafting is pretty much 0.

True. After expansion game got unbalanced. Try to play just diablo 3 with no expansion you will die frequently. They should to revamp difficult above normal for campaign and adventure mode it’s really very easy.

I fell asleep reading your post. It was boring.

I made a Torment 1 Seasonal character. So far died twice up to the skeleton king. Once to a laser(didn’t know how damage scaled at this difficulty for specials) and once to a OHK from bombs from blue fat guys. I don’t know why this isn’t the default or recommended to people who have played video games before but there it is. Good old fashioned arpg without grinding. Entry fee is whatever diablo 3 sells for.

I assume the difficulty for new users as is is an oversight or laziness. This was pretty common in diablo 2(oversights and laziness). There was a “bug” in diablo 2 where if your inventory was full and you picked up an item and someone killed you your body would pop and you would lose all your items. Then you go to a help channel to try and get your stuff back and they tell you the game is meant to be that way. Then eventually they patch the game so your body couldn’t pop. And on top of that there was pindlebot and ith 915.

The laziness and oversights in diablo certainly aren’t reflected in the other games in the blizzard franchise. WoW has been reduced by the march of decadence but that is not the end of the world since it in subscription based and you can stop playing whenever you want. Everything else blizzard I have played is AAA.

What exactly do you consider fully geared in two hours?

Playing Hardcore. Even if you can face tank everything, you can die because of a lag-disconnect. Your toon can die because you have been playing all night and are thinking slow. In any case, “things happen”. So you learn by dying, because pain is a good teacher. Switch to all-Hardcore mode.



The game is so old, that it has evolved out of there being ANY difficulty in the “play through”.
All the difficulty comes from pushing Greater Rifts.
And even that isnt difficult, because Diablo and ARPGs in general were never meant to be hard. They were meant to be grindy.

Bro, Blizzard could and managed to do it lol.
RIP Wc3.

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Graphic improvements aside and a noticeable difference between the teaser quality and game quality, yes, they left out parts of the original wc3 completely.