Game crashing on creation of game


Hadn’t had a crash issue all weekend, now getting one after loading screen when attempting to create a game.

8/15 11:26:01.689 [EntityContainer/4] [<>:0]: EntityContainer: Component type FootprintComponent invalid! Dropping component from entity entity_root in data/hd/character/player/barbarian.json
8/15 11:26:02.014 [PopcornMeshBatchKey/4] [<>:0]: Too many meshes in an animated model file! The limit is 4 and the model has 5. Model path: ‘data/hd/vfx/meshes/missiles/vine_beast/vine_beast.model’.
8/15 11:26:02.016 [PopcornMeshBatchKey/4] [<>:0]: Too many meshes in an animated model file! The limit is 4 and the model has 5. Model path: ‘data/hd/vfx/meshes/missiles/vine_beast/vine_beast.model’.
8/15 11:26:02.016 [PopcornMeshBatchKey/4] [<>:0]: Too many meshes in an animated model file! The limit is 4 and the model has 5. Model path: ‘data/hd/vfx/meshes/missiles/vine_beast/vine_beast.model’.
8/15 11:26:02.017 [PopcornMeshBatchKey/4] [<>:0]: Too many meshes in an animated model file! The limit is 4 and the model has 5. Model path: ‘data/hd/vfx/meshes/missiles/vine_beast/vine_beast.model’.
8/15 11:26:02.017 [PopcornMeshBatchKey/4] [<>:0]: Too many meshes in an animated model file! The limit is 4 and the model has 5. Model path: ‘data/hd/vfx/meshes/missiles/vine_beast/vine_beast.model’.
8/15 11:26:02.018 [PopcornMeshBatchKey/4] [<>:0]: Too many meshes in an animated model file! The limit is 4 and the model has 5. Model path: ‘data/hd/vfx/meshes/missiles/vine_beast/vine_beast.model’.
8/15 11:26:02.019 [PopcornMeshBatchKey/4] [<>:0]: Too many meshes in an animated model file! The limit is 4 and the model has 5. Model path: ‘data/hd/vfx/meshes/missiles/vine_beast/vine_beast.model’.
8/15 11:26:02.019 [PopcornMeshBatchKey/4] [<>:0]: Too many meshes in an animated model file! The limit is 4 and the model has 5. Model path: ‘data/hd/vfx/meshes/missiles/vine_beast/vine_beast.model’.
8/15 11:26:04.656 [EntityContainer/4] [<>:0]: EntityContainer: Component type FootprintComponent invalid! Dropping component from entity entity_root in data/hd/character/player/barbarian.frontend
8/15 11:26:08.574 [BGSEnvironmentMap/4] [<>:0]: Environment Status: PROD - - Release
8/15 11:26:13.733 [Granny/4] [<>:0]: NewMeshBinding: Unable to find bone: ‘armor_helm’ in the ToSkeleton
8/15 11:26:13.733 [Granny/4] [<>:0]: NewMeshBinding: Unable to find bone: ‘weapon_broad_sword’ in the ToSkeleton
8/15 11:26:13.733 [Granny/4] [<>:0]: NewMeshBinding: Unable to find bone: ‘armor_spiked_shield1’ in the ToSkeleton

is what I am finding in the blz file

Game loaded fine on my laptop. I reinstalled original D2 earlier to check something, wondering if I overwrote a game file or something. Uninstalled both beta and original game, and reloading beta from my usb. Hopefully this works.

Nope didn’t work. Guess that is it for beta for me this weekend.

I had the same issue when attempting to load a saved game. Try this.
Create a new character.
When back at the character screen select yours saved game.
Hopefully doing that will get you into the game like it does me.

Seen it in another topic and fixed last night. Thanks though!

Facing the same issue, how did u fix it?
//edit: fixed by going into America servers for a few seconds