G150 ceiling cap bad idea

competition, LB and PvP sucks as main endgame in an aRPG.


The GR150 cap doesnt negates/restrict the need for more higher torment levels. They can just rescale the difficulty and rewards, for some reason they just refuse to do so and wont state why.

Why do people keep posting the same old GR150 arguments without searching the previous topics. Technical max of GR is due to reaching the 64-bit integer limit. (somewhere around GR158 or 159. GR150 was selected to not approach that maximum.
Iria posted

As I just wrote in another thread, the maximum GR technically possible will be around 160 or so. This comes from the fact that the RG life in a 4 player game reaches the 64-bit integer limit (‭18,446,744,073,709,551,615‬) after that point so either the monsters’ life would be capped or some new datatype must be implemented into the game (which would require a lot of coding).

see Greater rift past 150
Why gr 150 is max.?

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Greater Rifts and the fact there is a GR150 just shows what crap D3s endgame is and how little effort blizzard puts into it

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Endgame? you are pushing GRs to break some solo or group record, it’s not a campaign. Then the leaderboards reset. :slightly_smiling_face:

Re: 64 bit integer limit.

Technically, they could just add a non-regen wizard shield to monsters above GR 150, and start scaling that up to the limit as well.

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you should watch the fate video i posted a few days ago and see where that leads to.

at some point the game will reach an astounding 90 000T per nano seconds and it wont even be of any help in those rifts.
when kids and lame// lazy players decide what happens you usually end up with a huge pile of dung.

I like having a hard ceiling that is obtainable.

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A division of the HP values and proportionalely adjusted item affix values would eliminate this argument. Not that it solves the issue of the infinite scalar mechanic, but there ya go.

The day you reach G150…


150 in 15 mins is not an end. In s19, we pushed for 5min clears which required aditional game knowledge and experience. Now we are pushing for less than 3min clears but this requires only 4 drops so 2barbs have to play as fast as possible. This means there is still tons to push for it is actually a lot of fun to push for 3min. Back in the day when were pushing for 130, we didnot know if we could even finish the rift in time until played it for 10 mins. So here is the upside i can finish the rift even if i dont get the LB reward and up my gems and get some more exp. Also it wasnot fun to go through the rifts one by one to get to pushing gr. Now i can push with 150gems and its already open i dont have to get to it. I think it is perfect the way it is.

You CANNOT understand it if you havent even get to 150 and pushed. So it is relevant.
Also, 150 cap stays because its fun i dont really care about that 64bit thing. I dont think that devs are limited by that because there are mathematically tons of ways to work around it without changing 64bits or anything.

Peace & Love


easy fix: nerf all current builds by 50%. Problem solved…no need to increase the GR limit. If you’ve cleared a GR150, then congrats. Most people haven’t, and never will.

D3 was meant to be a loot game, not a paragon farming game…


Just out of curiosity how much of a nerf do you think that is. It might not be what you expected. Also think about 3 min clears in season 19. How long would it take for them to clear with that nerf. Monster health doesnot increase linearly it is logarithmic so ;
5 lvl is almost 2x
10 lvl is almost 4x
15 lvl is almost 8x

Your nerf would only make us finish 145 in the sametime as 150 now. And we finish it very fast.

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hes talking about dmg output not level output.

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But s/he thinks it will have a huge effect on gr lvls and we wont be doing 150speed. Therefore he needs to learn how gr levels work. If you have half dps that means only 5 lvl lower.

I was simply pulling a number out of my nether region. I don’t play D3 for the maths.

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So she just admitted that the developers are lazy work shy layabouts and that is why this sucks and little details that require minor coding rarely get addressed! Ok so maybe I will not buy Diablo 4 if they cannot be bothered to get diablo 3 right first! Increase the cap or suffer profit loss I assume that I have made myself perfectly clear!

Peace & love it is the Truth!!!

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Thats total b.s
Increasing cap will make this whole other game. I thought i explained about it. Nowadays people like faster games but not as fast as POE which is just funny thats all. 150cap because makes this game faster and LB shows how fast you are. Actually D3 was very slow before now it feels right. Therefore** there is no way that 150cap causes any profit loss**.
If you arenot playing for LB we have nothing to argue.
i made myself undoubtingly clear

Diablo 3 is now at it’s end of life.
The design doesn’t allow for a good feeling of replayablity. Primal gear solidifies this.

The only variable is the developers and season themes. Eventually that will be shutdown and those resources moved or let go of.

The game loop was broken, and never repaired. Only bandaged.

"aditional game knowledge " What you really mean is: Your group is running TH, Macro’s and any other add-on you guys can think of to get you to that level/time. A group playing the game without TH, macro’s and so forth can not get that kind of speed from a GR 150… I would even say 150 is barely/not possible without the help of outside programs.