Future game content ideas

Just thought it would be cool to hear ideas from people who have been playing this game forever.

New ideas

  • New game systems for endgame
  • New items Armor/weapons/Jewelry and so on
  • New cube recipes
  • New skills
  • New stats on items
  • New Hero’s

I myself would like to see new content as long as I’m able to play the older versions still. Classic/ Lod/D2R options.

This is just for fun.


New heroes are extremely unlikely. New skills probably too.
New game systems for endgame should never ever happen imo.
But new items, new cube recipes., rebalancing of some skills and items, yeah, I’d take all that.
Also, new bosses/minibosses spread through the overworld, for new challenges, and new places to farm. D2R should focus on expanding the systems that already are there, rather than make new ones imo.

With the extremely important caveat, that the old version must also be playable in D2R; in a separate realm.


I’d be down with skin changes to bosses for certain holidays. Give me uber Diablo with a Christmas hat and meph with a pumpkin head. Let the blizz artists get a crack at making some fun


Maybe bosses that make the overworld off all acts on hell more interesting.
Real challenging stuff, best implemented as additional overworld events.
Of course optional.
The current build of the original game should always remain an option.

But other than that I’m more for a Diablo 1 remaster and a great Diablo 4 instead of trying to greatly expand on D2 contentwise.


I feel you I definitely wouldn’t be happy if I could never play classic or LoD ever again. I definitely like the idea of buffing some unusable skills!

Imo Bowzon, melee assassin, summon necro, and barb definitely could use some work. Summon druid as well… enjoyed the new art for his summons…

New bosses and mini boss sound like a great idea… New items and cube recipes are a definite want of mine.

Seasonal content could be fun. I agree they don’t need to expand to much on D2R but if they do it wouldn’t bother me…

But as stated before I still want my Classic option and LoD - without those options D2R will destroy a beloved game.


I’m a summon necro player for life.
It was never the strongest build for “endgame” hell or solo, but my maxed out army is always a welcome addition to every party.
And you got much freedom to move around and loot between replacing your summons.
I cant wait getting into the game even writing about it, despite the situation on consoles.

So if they want to buff me they can feel free to do so, but I’ve never seen it that way.


Honestly, I love how PD2 uses soul stones for a chance to enchant an item or destroy it for an extra stat on gear.

A cube recipe that could add random number of sockets would be dope.

Maybe standard of heros could be used for somthing interesting?

Essences from Hell bosses could have a second use adding more value to them as a drop?

Cube recipes in general would be very nice

Equip mercs with more items like rings and ammy?


This is one hell of an idea!

Actually if I am not mistaken in the survey they had a question “new skills per ladder”, so I would not exclude it.
New game systems for endgame are more than welcome too, baal runs boring AF.

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That I agree with. But adding more alternatives to Baal is not new systems, just more diversity in existing systems.


What about treasure goblins from D3 but from HELL!! Evil and deadly looking!!
They actually attack and have random affix on them. Could open a black portal, Lvl 85 magic finding zone where everything in game drops… randomly generated zones from D2 any mobs could spawn and at the end of the zone you fight a random boss from D2.

Goblins only found in hell difficulty adding to end game activities. Spawn with a pack of other goblins, but the unique goblin spawns portal.

If we wanted to have a use for the standard of heros…
Bosses at the end of the zone have a chance to drop Worldstone shard fragments… A left shard, middle and right. 3 shards in total, mixing the shards in cube creates a…
WSP - Worldstone piece

Mixing a worldstone piece with the standard of heros will enchant the Standerd of heros, making it a random stat that can be taken to Akara in act 1 to add to jewelry.

Examples for enchants
Cannot be frozen
+1 all skills
+1 sockets
+15-30% MF
+5-8 all stats - str dex vit eng
+5-10 all resis
Enchants only have the best stats, due to the time invested into completing the cycle to enchant the standard of heros…
Open socket would be a new feature on Jewelry.

Classic , LoD , D2R options…

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no to all!!!

u want goblins? go play d3. D2R should remain same to D2, while they are working on D4, dont distract the devs with crappy ideas.

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They had a second expansion planes for D2 but it was never published just seen a news article about

https:// pureplaystation. com/diablo-2-had-a-second-expansion-that-was-planned-but-not-published/2021/02/

Delete the spaces


Unlimited level no cap 99

That would be crazy lol… Rob talking like Personal loot is on the table for discussion… hope you all have your old D2 copy, D2R will be a totally different game from the original.

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Yeah i still got my old diablo 2 in dust lol,im not purist,i like new contents

D1 remastered,d4 buy day one for me

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I was liking cow run before they nerf it

I think the requests made will be based on the sales of this remaster.
And i doubt it’s good so far seeing all the complaint here.

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Would love to see cleric class make it pls

It would like to see Blizzard team up with a couple of prominent modders and create a new version to play with a 6th act. This would be a totally standalone version selected when starting the game to ensure the original D2 LOD is persevered.

By doing that Blizzard would gain some creditability and the fear of breaking D2 would be offset by the original remaining untouched.

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