From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

That is how barbs can keep their squirts right? (weapon throw) :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I think the new set will be all about generators, and if they do it they open a niche in the RGK spot because of frenzy shenanigans.


I laughed so hard because I have one !

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I really need to stop reading this stuff at work. I’m sure I’m going to get carried away to a padded cell soon…:rofl::rofl::rofl:


I mayyyyyyy have rolled a wizard this season as well as a barb just to see how Chantodos was. And do the set dungeons.


That meme was sarcastic btw…

+ 1^10000000000000


Oh I know. Figured I would add my own little statement with a joke gif. All good bud.

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I too am tired of rats for speeds and wizard most likely still going to be meta trash killer AGAIN… When will barb or any other class have its time in the sun the entire community is sick of this bs. Throw the dam barbarian a gd bone.



Only meta change will be RGK. Speeds still boring Rats. Cant remember last time Blizzard actually listen to the community which is a real shame


Brokahn is outta control, man. Lad is a meme machine gun


I mean, have you looked at the new crusader set?


You could say “it only takes a couple of Trolls to stack the:poop: that high”! :speak_no_evil:

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Indeed, the critics are saying it’s very powerful but also very glass cannon. As far as I have read, things like squirts has increased other classes as well. Can’t think of a barb build that won’t get hit constantly, they don’t have a bow option like D2 did and don’t have a shield.

Also… I keep hearing 200% nerf… But you guys do realize you can use witching hour that has a 50% increased damage and IAS, right? And that lamentation allows rend to stack twice. So all this math of -7 grs is inaccurate. Both the lamentation belt could be useful and the witching hour is still an option. It’s a nerf to be sure but it seems like nobody actually theory crafted the builds. If lamentation is useful and you can hit twice then it’ll workout to be a 100% damage bonus more or less and if that isn’t a viable option witching hour still has use. It’s not a -7 nerf unless you literally just don’t wear a belt.

Ha Ha! Find one with Pompoms, Those are to dangerous! :rofl::rofl: