Frenzy stack icon missing

Frenzy stack icon used to appear and show how many stacks you have built up (5-10 etc). As of a few days ago, it no longer shows up. Does anyone have insight as to why? I didnt see anything about it in patch notes, etc.

Mine does, don’t pay attention really but think it’s shown on the actually skill bar.

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The stack count for the Frenzy skill should still be showing wherever you have your Frenzy skill assigned in the skill bar. Frenzy stack for Echoing Fury should show above the skill bar.

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Stacks of Frenzy (the Barbarian ability) show on the ability’s toolbar icon.
Frenzy stacks to 10 (assuming Bastion’s Revered in the Cube).

Stacks of Frenzied (from kills using Echoing Fury) show up on the buff bar.
Frenzied stacks to 5.

Screenshot showing the difference…

If a friendly TL3 person could embed this, that’d be super. Thanks.