Frenzy Barb, it has potential. RAWR!

With 2190-2193 Paragon levels, ancient gear (besides belt) w/only 3 augments (both rings and amulet L100 each) , I was able to do the following GR’s with the new Frenzy set.

  1. 7m 19s left. 0 deaths. 0 conduit 0 power.
  2. 8m 36s left. 0 deaths. 1 conduit. 1 power.
  3. 4m 56s left. 2 deaths. 0 conduit 0 power.
  4. 5m 42s left. 0 deaths. 1 conduit. 1 power.
  5. 2m 11s left. 3 deaths. 0 conduit 0 power.
  6. 5m 48s left. 1 death. 1 conduit. 1 power.
  7. 5m 40s left. 1 death. 1 conduit. 1 power.
  8. 3m 11s left. 1 death. 1 conduit 0 power.
  9. 3m 24s left. 1 death. 0 conduit 1 power.
  10. 2m 20s left. 1 death. 1 conduit 1 power.
  11. I couldn’t do it. I need better gear, possibly a better set up.

Armor: 6pc Savage set. I didn’t test it w/Crimson’s.
Bracers: Mortic’s Brace (20% Lightning Damage)
Amulet: Traveler’s Pledge (no elemental damage)
Rings: Band of Might and Compass Rose.
Belt: Undisputed Champion (non-ancient)
Weapons: Oathkeeper and Echoing Fury
Cube: Bastion’s Revered, Aquila Cuirass, and Convention of Elements.

Attack Speed: 25% (125% fully buffed) Almost 3 attacks per second
Crit Hit: 52% (55% w/Battle Shout)
Crit Dam: 551%
CDR: 36.46% (even if I had higher, still wouldn’t have Wrath up 100%)
Lightning Dam: 20%
Frenzy Damage: 26% from 2 items and 193% from sword and 396% from belt.

With Season 20 I should be able to pwn a GR 110 solo. I might even try out Frenzy w/Captain Crimson’s Trimmings. I also wasn’t to try and use Krelm’s Buff Bracers to be immune to Knock Back and Stun. I was thinking of the 6pc set w/RoRG to use Ice Climbers too.

Well… The problem is:
WW barb does 110gr solo with only 800 para and zero augments…

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Yeah, that’s true, you do have a point there.
However, it’s all because of Ambo’s and Rend.
Nerf that and it goes down.

Ouch. Harsh but true. And one of the most damning critcisms of the new set.

H90 needs work, no doubt about it. I hope Nev and/or a developer can shed some light on this situation in the PTR Feedback Thread (and not, for the love of God, Reddit).


What do y’all want? Didn’t you ask for buffs to wastes and get it?

Said noone ever…

why no Depth Diggers?

This was my first thought. xD

Yeah, great. I’ll keep ww barb, do a 120 and be rock solid last-man-standing instead of a squish chicken. Watched Raxx showcase the set and it felt just saddening.

All damage from a generator, rage is just useless, and oopsie - rorg doesn’t work, so no wotb. Fail.
If anything barb could have used a high single target dmg dealer as RGK, but the set isn’t even useful for that.


I made that argument earlier on another thread. Instead of it being a frenzy build it could be a primary attack build. Then people can choose if they want to go straight up frenzy, frenzy/throw, full on bash or bash/cleave. Of course for fun, a throw barb, a bash barb, a cleave barb. At least the set would give a variation that other sets don’t do at all. That would make the set really fun. Especially if they retooled the supplement items to fit the set.


Yeah the new barb set needs to be retooled a bit before season 20 launches, adding ‘frozen’ with fear isn’t going to cut it. Stun would be a lot better since the lightning rune stuns. Even then, it needs more. Squishiness is the issue. If I didn’t use AC I would have more than triple the deaths and I wouldn’t have made GR 108 or 109.


I ran it with Depth Diggers at first, but had a major issue with survivability. Plus, the set really doesn’t have an issue with damage until GR 110. That was in part to me not having all ancients, augments, etc. In season 20, I might be able to sneak those pants in, but I don’t know.


Yeah, WW/Rend is where it’s at for the Barb right now. All because of Ambo’s, lets just hope Blizz doesn’t slap that item with the nerf stick. If that happens. bye bye spin to win. I’ll use that set to gather all of the Frenzy pieces that I need and I will build a proper slice-n-dice Barb before I even play it in GRs for season 20.

Mid Para 1700’s no augments and I did 111. You should have done higher than that. Not sure why you think it is ready to go.

Not ready to go, but it has potential. I know I was using subpar gear, you are right, I should have been able to do higher. Matter of fact, if I fished for a half-way decent gr, I could have.