Freeze, disconnect, etc

I have had this problem of freeze, disconnect and so forth since April, 2021, and things are not any better. Sometimes after a freeze, the game returns to where it was and goes on, but many times, after a freeze the game is put back to the last check point. This morning I had to play Pandamonium Fortress Level 2 in Act V twice and then a freeze happened again. So I am disgusted and stopped playing. I have cleaned out DNS by executing twice, consulted with Apple senior advisors and others, and they helped me but the problem persists. I am not sure if Blizzard is working on this problem anymore because I see a lot of user comments in the forums, and the users seem to be happy. I have played Diablo 3 for many years now, and before this April, everything seemed to be working. So I am guessing the problem lies with Blizzard, not me.

I recommend moving your thread to the Technical Support category. To do this:

  • Click the :pencil2: to the right of your thread title.
  • Click the “General Discussion” field below the editable thread topic field, choose “Technical Support”.
  • Click :ballot_box_with_check: to save changes.

There are new geforce drivers out yesterday

You switched it to the wrong tech support forum. You need to switch it to just “Technical Support”, not “Diablo II (2000) Tech Support”.

“Technical Support” covers Diablo 3 related issues.

Edit: Nevermind. It looks like you posted there as well.