I’m pretty bored with this season. I’ve been watching some Diablo 2 streams and build guides late to kill time and i’m starting to get excited about Diablo 2 again. I DID pre-order Diablo 2 Resurrected, or rather upgraded my prime evil edition. I was wondering - since D2:R is D2 with a 3D wrapper - can you unlock Diablo 2 for us?
I seriously have no idea what happened to my original copy. It’s been like 20 years. It would be fun to get back up to speed on the game before its released.
If they were getting rid of D2 (2000) and LoD (2001), they probably would make it free.
However, they are not getting rid of it or changing it. They are leaving the game and support for it (servers, ladders), as is. They view it as two different products - both of which have a sales value.
Maybe they could do a discount sale on the older ones? Maybe? That is more likely than a free give away.
OP’s request isn’t as unreasonable as many here try to make it sound. Since D2R players are highly unlikely to acquire D2, and D2R options are supposed to make both the gameplay and graphics identical to D2 if you want to, it’s not unreasonable to make the request that they bundle immediately D2 with the preorder so that players can get in the mood.
OP isn’t being unreasonable at all. Yall are just rolling with whatever as usual.
No, it actually kinda does. $40 for a tune-up of a 20+ year old game is what’s unreasonable, especially for those of us that already own DII and LoD and have them attached to our modern accounts. I also own DIII, RoS, and RotN which are the entire rest of the $60 bundle, and getting $10 off of it for that doesn’t impress me either. Actizzard is being greedy.
Not saying they should do that, but that is by definition not for free.
It would make decent sense for Blizzard to do this.
Except, which I assume is the main reason, they dont really want more people to go play D2 before D2R releases, and realize they dont want the game anyway
The old Classic games are not not on the Launcher because they are nto connected to Modern Battlenet infrastructure. Only the games that are newish, or have Remastered versions, are on there.
D2 still uses the old Bnet system so uses its own launcher. The launcher DOES link you to the store though if you want to use the link there to get to the web store to buy D2 (2000).