Fps slider is broke

by default fps slider is set to 150 forground background is set to 8 fps
i get 63 fps when set to 150 when i enable vsync its find 165 fps why tho?

What is your monitor’s refresh rate?

Vsync sets the FPS to your monitor’s refresh rate.

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165hz, i wanted to set it to something like 60 fps or 75 even its not a first person shooter so 165 frames is not needed

I admit those foreground/background FPS settings in D3 are really strange and not sure how they work.

Probably limit FPS in drivers works correctly. Haven’t tried though.

Then, disable Vsync. You may also need to disable Vsync in the Global section or your video card Control Panel.

After that, set your Maximum Foreground FPS, in the D3 Video Options, to 60 FPS or 75 FPS.


Background FPS may not matter. It is there for when you tab out of the game to another program and/or open an internet browser. By limiting the game’s FPS while you’re in another program (game is in the background) it, hopefully, allows better performance for that program until you return to the game.

This is NOT a bug. It’s knowing how to set up your system.