For the love of God, PLEASE fix Vyr's

Ok, so here we are are, years later and still no adjustment for Vyr’s. Can we get a little love for this set before this game goes to full maintenance mode?


Hopefully we can still get set changes even though no more new seasonal themes.

Given this season saw very minor set balance changes, I wouldn’t hold out hope for much in the future.

Well… this season new paragon system we might get higher than ever cooldown reduction!
There might be something to it! :slight_smile:

Apparently their plan in S30 is to equalize all the sets. Gooooood luck on that but we’ll assume Vyr’s gets the most love from this, but it also could be something like Firebirds which is still pretty undertuned after the Mirror Image nerf.

Anyway, assuming Tal Rasha’s is Not the standard and still a bit over-tuned the next set in line to something more of baseline would be Typhons

So what would Vyr’s have to do to equal Typhons?

I think instead of just lul crazy damage multiplier it should double the duration of Archon, that way it keeps it’s theme of the ramp up just intensified potentially never losing a double stack would be more inline with where it should be. Idk at this point though they’re probably done with doing any new mechanics and it’s going to be just purely damage and damage reduction % adjustments.

Assuming that’s the case, then it’s probably just as simple as
4pc 1% > 2%
6pc 100% > 200%

:face_exhaling: :sleeping: but gets the job done


It is about time that the devs made Vyr’s give PERMANENT ARCHON.

I mean this is just so stupid at this point. Why the heck do the devs keep dragging their feet on this?

Most other classes get a permanent version of one of their temporary powers.

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Be careful what you ask for, they would just buff Vyrs to make it fun and playable, then double nerf it below what it is now two patches later.

I’m wondering if they’re going to do any more passes each season, like specifically when it’s their turn to be the Haedrig’s gift set like DMO was this season.

There’s just not a theme in the world that makes Vyr’s good vs the other sets right now.

The devs forgot that Vyr existed at this point but sure it would be nice to see it come back.

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