Follower gem help

The past 2 seasons i have been using Esoteric Alteration and Mutilation Guard (both level 100)
on the enchantress follower so i can equip Hand of the prophet without her dying all the time.
Oddly though for some reason she has less of a third of the toughness this time. Have similar gear/stats equipped on both seasons : RORG ring and 2 parts guardians jeopardy + 2 parts cains destiny. Res/vitality when possible, diamond gems.

Had over 700k toughness season 33 but now just over 200k. Anyone has an idea why that is ?

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I’m probably not the one to ask. I don’t study game mechanics and I gear my Follower differently than most players. But, here are some observations:

  • None of the Enchantress’s items are Ancient or Primal. This would make a huge difference.
  • Spaulders of Zakara has Explosive Blast Damage. Maybe enchant that to something more useful. (After getting an Ancient or Primal version).
  • Guardian’s Gaze has Movement Speed (possibly useful), but not Intelligence. And not Ancient or Primal.
  • The Flavor of Time had something enchanted for the Socket. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here. But, it has Cold Skills, which doesn’t do her any good. Not Ancient or Primal.
  • Cain’s Scrivener: Only thing I can say here is try to craft an Ancient or Primal version and hope you get Intelligence, Vitality, Critical Hit Chance and %Life or Resist All, if it’s not on the Secondary. (I don’t think the Enchantress benefits from Cooldown Reduction or Resource Cost Reduction).
  • Mantle of Rydraelm: Enchant Familiar Damage to something useful. Ancient or Primal.
  • Nemesis Bracers has Physical Skills and Strength on them. Ancient or Primal.
  • Oculus Ring: Look for one with Intelligence and Vitality…   and Ancient or Primal.
  • Guardian’s Case has good Properties. But, try to craft one that’s Ancient or Primal.
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur Properties look good. But, try for an Ancient or Primal version. Either by farming (Double Bounties) or reforging. (If you have the Forgotten Souls).
  • Mark of the Magi: Keep your eye out for an Ancient or Primal 2-Hand Weapon. Hopefully, you have an extra Ramaladni’s Gift.
  • Cain’s Habit: Craft an Ancient or Primal version that doesn’t have Shock Pulse Damage on it.
  • Ice Climbers Properties look good, but need Ancient or Primal versions.

You can take all this with “a grain of salt”. And forgive me for any typos. I’m too tired to proofread right now.


Thanks for your input, as i said however this is about toughness. Offensive stats doesn’t matter as much as the followers doesn’t really do that much dmg but their buffs are important. What contributes to toughness is vitality, resistances certain gems etc. Crafting in the hope to get primals for a follower is a waste of time and effort. The season 33’s crusader follower has near identical gear , same gems but 3 times the toughness.

If you upgrade their stats by making her equip Ancient quality items, your Follower will stand longer on the battle field. Equipping anything but Esoteric, Mutilation and perhaps Gem of Ease will not work for your Follower, but they benefit from the secondary ability of Enforcer that you socketed. If your build do not equip Enforcer, I suggest you to not bother with any other artifact but stick to the Invulnerability one.

If they keep dying, you can give them a Rogar’s Huge Stone ring and Leoric’s Pauldrons, which keeps them alive for a little longer but in return you’ll lose Homing Pads and RoRG. In case they keep dropping and losing monster aggression, you can make them equip Genzaniku or Maximus. They can not use their skills or passive abilities when they’re down, but summons will keep the line for your Follower until they recover.

Their abundant 2.5x stat multiplier makes a big difference when you optimize their equipment. You must have missing some details when comparing them.


I didn’t suggest Offensiveness. Except on items that might have included CHC. And even though Intelligence may increase the Enchantress’s Damage, it also increases her Toughness.

You might also check to see if Topaz in her gear increases her Toughness over the Diamonds. (Maybe you already know this).

In any event, I’m sure you know better than I.


And armor is huge for your Enchantress’s toughness, as they do not get that from their main stat.

Primals are a waste of time for your follower, but do get ancients. It makes it easier to hit the 25,000 main stat cap of intelligence, and also allows you to augment them to shoot for 25,000 dex/str for armor.

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Think i found it, the S34 Enchantress has stricly intelligence/vitality while the S34 Intelligence/dex/str items. Maybe the guardian multiplier works that way ?
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I think you meant “…S33 Enchantress…”. At least that’s what you labeled the first image.

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A lot of people misunderstand what the follower really does for you. What does the follower really do for you. He or she doesn’t really do any damage. Yes in the lower levels they do. On the toughness just equip them with like the Enchanting Favor. The one that your follower cannot die.

They rework the 3 followers to help with key stones, death breath, gold some what a cheat death, shrines & pylons . But today all the follower is basically good for in season to keep you a live, shrines & pylons. With the altar & visions basically doing the same thing the follower was rework for Keys, DB,

Forget the gems other then the ones for they chest and pants. To help the Dex, Int, & Str to get to 25,000. Yes try to get ancients & primals for them like people said. All I use the follower for is basically Key Stones in rifts. Plus they do help some what in GR’s & Nightmares to keep you a live with the cheat death.

People don’t try to jump through hoops to get the follower to be like your character.

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I know that, however, i prefer having all the buffs instead of just 4. This is just to make her survive, i don’t care about her dmg.

The Guardian doubles every stat but for Followers it just makes their 2.5x stat multiplier, a 3.5x, which is a mere 40% jump rather than 100%. So, if one of your Follower setup had various main stats, inevitably their toughness will be higher than the other. Higher you stack one stat, lesser it grants on the limited basis of benefit increments due it being a logarithmic function. You can treat this as a diminishing returns effect.

Read this:

If 3500 armor grant you 50% damage mitigation against level 70 enemies, another 3500 additional armor for having 7000, won’t grant you 75% damage mitigation for an additional 50%, but 66% for an additional 16%.
In short; having dexterity and strength stacked on your Enchantress, may have covered her lacking armor for higher toughness value. Higher you stack intelligence, you may care to have armor on her for covering her weakness which is relatively low armor compared to her resistances and health pool.

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Here’s what I know. You want Intelligence on the Enchantress, but you also want +Armor on all the items that can have it. You want to socket her with Rubies or Emeralds for more Armor. When you Augment you want to use Rubies or Emeralds, again for more Armor. Her Intelligence will take care of her All Resists. You want Vit on her items as well. You want to Socket an Amethyst in her Helm and Weapon to give her more life and a way to earn back missing life on her own.

Then it’s Guardian’s, Nemesis, Gloves of Worship, Ice Climbers and Flavor of Time are the important items. You may want a Leoric’s Crown to boost her Life with the Amethyst. Edit: This is only the case if she’s going without Nemesis because you can cube or wear them in your build. If you can’t then forget the Leoric’s Crown.

I’m not looking at your build, but it could be your missing some vitality on your items. That’ll make a huge difference in her sheet Toughness.

And as other’s have said, you want at least Ancients on her equipment.

Hope this helps.

Edit: You also want +Physical Resist as a secondary on all her items. The Esoteric takes care of everything but physical damage resist so you want that stat to supplement that deficiency. In a way, you’re outfitting her like you would if you were making a zdps DH or other class and in that case, + Physical Resist is huge for you and it will be for her as well.

One more Edit:

I just looked at your build and she’s definitely missing Gloves of Worship. You want those because of the Altar. When your potion gives you a shrine effect, her gloves will increase the effect to 10 minutes meaning you could have all four shrine effects active at the same time during the run time of a GRift. That’s huge.

You also want to give her a Tal Rasha Chest. It’ll give an attack speed boost. This isn’t for her DPS but to increase the effectiveness of the Amethyst in her Weapon. You should replace her staff with a Thunderfuy that would ideally also have + attack speed on it. It’s naturally faster than a staff and the Slowing effect of the Thunderfury can help trigger Bane of the Trapped for you

And yes, you’ve given her too much All Resist. You’re missing armor on all her items. If you can you want to roll of All Resist for Armor. But in most cases you’re better off trying for different items that come without All Resist as a Stat, so that it can have Armor and +Physical Resist.

Also, in pet builds, she’ll count as a pet. So, the Damage Resist of Enforcer will also apply to her. This makes it possible for her to survive even in a GR 150 without the Immortality Token, assuming you outfit her like I suggest. Just in case you didn’t know.

Again, hope this helps.


why only in pet builds? Or do you mean as in noone would use enforcer except in pet builds?
That’s interesting, didn’t know.
And Esoteric/Mutilation stack multiplicatively with Enforcer?

Yes, normally only pet builds would use Enforcer, though, I guess you could replace one of your gems in other builds with it if you’re running T16 or stuff, similar to how you replace one with Boon of the Hoarder when gold farming.

I don’t know about Multiplicatively but the gem gives a flat 90% damage resist to pets which is big for your followers.


Gloves of worship only works in nephalem rifts, not in GR’s (no shrines in GR’s , only pylons = no effect from the gloves ) This is a work in progress, i just got a Primal grandfather with intelligence of all things . She has 664 334 448 toughness now, more to come. Thanks for the suggestions, i will try the others if they come my way.

Nope. Not true. It works in GRifts too. You just can’t normally get shrines in GRifts, but the Altar potion power circumvents that.


Hmm been told otherwise but i will try it, worth a shot. Thanks !

You were misled. It works because I use them on my followers.

I’m not trying to be a butthole, but why would you think all the other stuff in my post could be true and then doubt the Gloves of Worship thing?

Anyway, glad I could help.

Damn, i haven’t used them the last 3 seasons since i got back to the game after 8 ish years and tried seasonal play for the first time. Could have made things easier for me, ah well, better late than never i guess. And sorry, a lot of people give different advice, sometimes hard to know who to beleive. Oh well, chapter 2/4 bounties it is.

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@KillerProc is correct. Once you’ve unlocked the Altar’s Father Potion you can activate your Potion on Cooldown to set a random Shrine effect…   several times. (Up to 4 I think). Continuing to activate your Potion after that will refresh the effects that may still be active. With the Gloves of Worship the effects will last 10 minutes. So, they can be used during Bounties, Nephalem Rifts and Greater Rifts. Even in Visions and Nightmares.

You may already know to equip The Flavor of Time when doing Echoing Nightmares.