Fjord Cutter‘s effects not just for Seismic Slam

Fjord Cutter
New Legendary Power:Seismic Slam attacks 50% faster and also deals 100-150% increased damage against Slowed or Chilled enemies

During my test, it also increases damage for Rend, when the enemies are slowed or chilled.


Hopefully it is not the effect of trapped. Or it is a bug. It should only buff the SS damage. Good find.


It may be considering the buff in the Bane of the Trapped gem damage calculation category. This weapon should have its own multiplier separate from the Bane of the Trapped.

Please fix this weapon before it is exploited.


I can confirm this. I just tested it.

Fjord Cutter has the same interaction as Bane of Trapped - it’s a separate 2.5 multiplier as long as the target is slowed. It’s a straight up better Bane of the Trapped.

100% not intended. Bug report!


These effects allow barb to have a more diverse build, perhaps it is intended, that is why the Lamentations nerf.