Fix Diablo Immortal, make these!

Hey blizzard, I’m just a simple guy.
These are just some ideas I slapped on a notepad in a boring flight. I hope the players like them. If you do, make some noise :slight_smile:

Vault (as an immortal): come up with a queue up system.
It’s very annoying spam clicking (not even mentioning the controversial use of autoclickers). Moreoever, if there is a queue, we all have the same chance of getting in and experiencing what vault defense as an immortal is.

Still in regards to vault, sometimes I just get in and I’m immediately stunned. Create an immune area or a countdown for the battle actually starts. It’s not fun to get in and die instantly without a proper battle.

Legendary gems:
Chip of the stone flesh should work with all skills that cause “loss of control”. Shouldn’t Wizard’s Blackhole and monk’s vortex, for instance, work or is this intended to work like it’s working now?

Bottled hope could have an tiny icon next to the equipped buff skill in order to make the player aware that the next time we use that buff we know we will have bottled hope bonus active.

Fading embers:
It would be much better if there was no cap for the party bonus embers. I have no incentive of farming 8 embers each time because once the party bonus is capped I will do over world farm or dungeons - much better rewards.
Unless monsters essences start to drop from rifts, I would farm them in there.

In regards to rewards, bounties need better rewards… and im not saying crafting materials because those are easier to get just by doing anything else, getting gear and salvaging them. Make it like the bestiary where you have a higher chance of a legendary item.

Hidden lairs, create a time bar on top of it like the portal for instance so we know if we have to rush to get people or maybe join it with just 2 players. It’s very annoying waiting for a 4th player to get the bonus chest at the end and suddenly the lair closes. Sorry guys, disband.

Armory, it’s super frustrating to get a small gear upgrade because I need to keep changing my loadouts for 3 CR. I have different builds for dungeons, pvp, and even different pve builds. When I get an upgrade I get mixed feelings because I’m gonna waste 5 min running back and forth in between the armory and the essences transfer to update my builds one at a time.

Speaking of legendary essences, any plans to add set items essences extraction? Is it really intended to farm the same dungeons over and over in H3, only to repeat them in H4, only to repeat them in H5, only to repeat them in H6 (by the time you add it)?

On that note… Gambler, we should be able to gamble green set items, or is this intended to work as it is? Because at the moment it’s just bait and everyone realised it by now.

Charms, just an idea but I think it’s very frustrating to have a 4% and manage to roll the right skill to try for something more than 4% and we roll a 2%… you could make it all 2% to start with and each time we roll it again, we could have +2% stacked on it. Someone with a 10% charm meant that they rolled 5x +2%. This would be much better design imo.

Now, if you play DI and you like these, or if you have other and better suggestions jump on this bandwagon and comment below!

Scarn server


You’re on the D3 forum.

For feedbacks and other things:


:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Sorry mate, but we don’t care about DI issues here at the D3 forum.


Uh oh incoming rush of traffic guards! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I care.

I care a lot…


Fix Diablo Immortal, make these!


Well mate, I care a lot about climate change, but you don’t see me posting about it here at the D3 forum.


I rejoined the shadows and had to do the path of blood all over again. That would be nice to be able to skip.

Also, I left the immortals then got recruited to a shadow clan, then we overthrew the immortals but for some reason I couldn’t become immortal again, so I lost my clan. Is this supposed to be like this? I wouldn’t have left the immortals if I knew.


If you were an Immortal for 5 (or more) days in a reign that just ended, you cannot become an Immortal in the immediately subsequent reign. You have to be a Shadow (or remain an Adventurer if you prefer) for that reign. This is so that, when the current Immortals look like they’re going to lose, their members don’t all jump ship, join the Shadow clan that’s going to replace them, and get to stay being Immortals forever.

This is not a fault. This is by design. It’s also why the Immortals cannot recruit from the Shadows, only from Adventurers, so that the Immortals cannot recruit all of the highest CR / resonance players from the Shadows, strengthening themselves and weakening the Shadows intended to depose them.


I never join Immortal before.

What was the benefit/reward difference joining Immortal over Shadow?

we got an immortal enjoyer here folks…

There seems to be more / easier hilts + gold for Shadows, but Immortals get a chance of three nice legendaries from the Vault each week (assuming the Shadows didn’t steal them). However, those sneaky Shadows don’t get this stuff…

Thanks for the info. Is it a permanent cosmetic or temporary cosmetic until the Immortal reign is over?

Also, how time-consuming is Immortal’s daily quests (assuming there is one) compares to Shadow?

I don’t see any harm about giving feedback about Immortal here. It’s diversive as it is, but if you don’t open threads about it daily, people won’t raise an eyebrow. But yeah, as been said, the most effective way to deliver feedback would be posting on the subreddit.

The cosmetics are temporary, and imo not so cool. I never used them for more than try out. I think being an immortal also gives you one more legendary crest per month, from the hilts trader.

I left because the immortals at the time seemed like bunch of idiots, judging from the chat. And a clan called “p2w” was on top.

Didn’t Wudijo and team test the game extensively for Blizzard? Didn’t Blizzard take all the feedback that was gathered and use it to make the game more p2w? I think the best thing to do is to quit the game and let it be forgotten.

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i could not care any less about this “climate change”

are we +/- = 0 change then?

You’re saying mobile developers took feedback from PC gamers and didn’t use it?

I’m shocked.

Perhaps they got feedback from mobile gamers that influenced their changes rather than your perceived spitefulness against Maxroll? As much as I love the Maxroll guys, they’re not mobile gamers.

Apart from the initial few days of a new reign, where there are less tasks available, once the Immortals are 3-4 days into their reign, they select 9 tasks from a possible 11. These can be really simple / quick like “Inspect the Immortal’s statue”, “Complete a Challenge Rift”, “Salvage 50 items”, and so on. The ones that are worth more contribution (our equivalent of shadow power) are things like “Complete 2 Bounties” and “Complete Mad King’s Breach”. Three of the tasks each day are always dungeons. Now, we usually complete these by forming Hell 4 groups for them but, if you’re in a rush, or it’s a dungeon no-one wants to do, or you’re playing at odd times of the day / night, you can just go back to Westmarch, drop the difficulty to Normal, and the run the dungeons solo because the tasks just require completion, not a specific difficulty. So, most of the tasks are things you’d be doing normally anyway, i.e. bounties, dungeons, salvaging gear, and so on. You can easily be done with the 9 tasks in under half an hour.