First Sight of Monetization

You should all abandon it.

This game only works in a natural state… letting the current team actually change… or manipulate it would be disastrous.

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It would be par though.

I’m betting on art asset sales and stash space sales.
Cause POE and D2 canabalise the same playerbase. Blizz will ape POE, like they are aping the season length. Like they copied the instant gibblet combat from POE in D3… or did POE copy D3? They are so similar. Consider the ‘gameplay’ switch within the diablo esque genre to a style of holding down 1 button for extended periods and no situational strategy beyond simply moving or hitting one extra button every X seconds.
Its analogous to rolling a 3 sided die, 1 is tehy die, 2 is you die, 3 is you loose nearly all hp and roll again. Why are multipul companies producing ‘clicker’ games and calling it gameplay? The answer is in that question.

There is only Power(runes/gear/noxp loss), Art Assets(dress-ups), or Game Mechanics Streamlining(stash space/auto pickup-inventory stacking).
I have not yet seen Blizzard split their games into chapters and sell that individually. Though the time-gates in WoW could be viewed as exactly that.

That being said, D4 should be in the same boat as far as secondary and tertiary sales. D2 could be viewed as a prism in which we could surmise what D4 will do.

But blizzard stopped being a predictable, known actor, years ago.

The 4 types above are they only strategies they actually have. While 2 of them will be dumb to do, the other two are much safer to pursue due to the shared customer base and ergo, a shared expectation.

Oh… of course. Someone putting their hand out for more, after they received a more than fair price for their work, aint kool.