Firebird Build : COE ring comparison

Which Ring is better?

if I reroll the amour to 50% crit damage…

it will be 1% crit chance(all the time) vs 3% COE rotation(only happens during fire rotation)


Before you worry about something trivial as this …
Get yourself Augments on your Gear (Recipe 10 in the Cube) and craft yourself Ancient Aughilds (so that you can augment them too)

This would gain you waaaaaay more, as this Question :wink:

For real …
You can have up to 13 Slots in Ancient … even if you augment them with only 100´er Gems, this would be a boost of 1300 Paragons or 6500 Int !

I absolutly dont get it.
WHY ? Why are there so many Player out there, who dont care about this, but than they have a question about 0,2% of theyr dmg

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I’d stick with the old one rather than spending tons of mats on the new ring to roll 50% on it… and my gut feeling (without doing math or looking at your other gear) tells me you’ll be better of with higher CHC anyways…

Should be.

1 CHC (5.5 vs 4.5) with otherwise max crit rolls is worth (1+4.8*0.635)/(1+4.8*0.625) = ~1.2% dps.

190 vs 187 CoE, averaged over the rotation, is worth (2.9*0.25+0.75) / (2.87*0.25 + 0.75) = ~0.5% dps. Even during fire rotation (and ignoring the rest of the CoE cycle), it’s still only 2.9/2.87 = ~1.0% dps.

1 CHC is better.


q.e.d. … as expected :slight_smile:

Just a guess but I’m assuming the player knows that augments are most important, hence the question.

Otherwise we’d likely see them comparing an ancient with a normal, he wants to know which one he should be piling his augments into and just wanted the question answered not a lecture of how important augmenting is, which I agree too many focus on small stat comparisons rather than augmenting priorities.

Have you looked at his Gear ?
He is nearly Paragon 1k and not a single Item has any Augment.
And you really think, he knows how important they are ?

Augments are pretty significant time sink to obtain. A reroll is much simpler by comparison.

It’s pretty easy to hit 1k without augments. Really depends on how high of GRs you typically run.

If you run GR90s, you’ll have a good number of augments by 1k paragon.

But not if you run say 105s.

1k paragon is 121 unpooled GR105s. That will give you 6 level 100 gems (if you empower them all, fewer if you don’t).

Okay, now from those 6 gems, 3 of those will be your gems that you won’t use to aug. Plus maybe a Powerful and a LoD gem. You might want a Hoarder in there too. If you run 105s to 1k paragon, you’ll probably only come out of it with a single augment ready.

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guys I am saving my mats for the “Primal” DW weapon if possible. I am a casual player. I can’t play everyday. lol

Interesting to assume people want to concentrate to augments before para 1k.
When I hit para 1k, I typically always have zero augments. Reasons:

  • I don’t have good enough items at that point to justify wasting augment
  • I don’t have high enough gems at that point (except maybe the offensive gems socketed to jewelry)

Not everyone wants to run 1-3 minute GRs whole season (which is the needed generic mindset to get augments at very low level). I’m already para 2100+ and I still don’t have high enough gems to augment my second char (for the first time).

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Augments are a serious time sink. Solo players and a lot of casual player tend to wait for good items that make sense augmenting since leveling legendary gems is a pain in the rear. You said it, unless you are speeding GRs like nuts. Well, you will do that eventually to gain paragon, but that’s obvious. Anyhow, assuming you can do GR 110 at a considerable pace without too much effort, you still need to do 20 of those to bring a single gem to rank 100… and that’s by no means a rank I’d use for augmenting, just saying. Plus it also requires a corresponding number of rift keys and gold to empower all rifts - all that has to be farmed for and if you play solo like me or rather casually, then it’s a huge reason to be very stingy with augmenting, especially early on or when you don’t have good enough items.

Speaking for myself - as a solo player I can understand very well why one would not waste too much time on this without having items that are worth augmenting in the first place. I wouldn’t limit this to primals - good ancients that are hard to come by because they have a lot of random affixes are also well worth it. At some point you will need to augment anyways.

If we talk about seasons, then I usually have exactly one augmented item… the one you need to do to complete the season journey. For me this normally happens way before I even reach 1k para, like this time… I finished the journey below p600 and I usually augment some random item I’m using at that time with my rank 50 BotH (since I would throw that one away at the end of the season anyways).

Not really, you can do 35’s to get your gems to 25 and raise the bar accordingly. So basically you get there with doing one or two. Saves lot’s time and if low on cash money too.
Still it IS time consuming. Doing it like I propose bring it down to less than 2 hours, for one gem though.

~ 1 Hour per 100 Gem, wich equals 100 Paragon per Hour

Just do 80-95 depending where you can run it in ~2-2:30 Minutes. And than do the Rest till 100

Or you Run higher to raise your main Para. but get slower Gems.
In the End you will always have more out of augmenting you Gear first, instead of hoping you will find the “perfekt” Gear for an augmentation.

No need
I still have the first Shoulders + Gloves with theyr 100´er Augment, while I already replaced the Souce 3 times with new Augments.
What is important, is to get as fast as possible, as much Augments as possible.

You wil never be as fast with grinding 1300 extra Paras, as you would getting the Gems.

100 is more than enough for the start.
later, if you have everything and you can run higher + faster, you can still replace the old ones or replace the whole item with an already better one, from your stash.

Even as solo its the best Way
In the first Night of the Season i was already Speedrunning the 90´er with my Monk, to get Gear an Gems, so i could push the Wiz on the sec. Day.

But this is a differance :slight_smile:
You did the Season, to get your free Goodys.
Other Peaople play the Season, because they have differant Goals.

This is not always exactly true.
You might get more. Obviously most high exp players also. But me … not.

Reason again in different words:

  • If I fall asleep doing 1-3 min runs too much, I quit the game and get nothing.
  • And when doing more interesting 5-15 min runs with casual play amount, it takes 1-3 days to get one gem high enough → better to be ~3/4 or more sure items is good enough

And still you have your ~130´+ augments + main-gems
and this not only on your main-char


Because I carefully chose what to augment. (That was actually my original point).
If I remember correctly, I have only done one augment per slot per character this season. And only one item is waiting maybe to be replaced, being marginally better (0,5% more dmg).

But as said, this is not for everyone. To me the most efficient way of playing D3 is just too boring. For me interesting gameplay is 1st prio and efficiency only comes after that. But this results also to better gear taking into account I’d play a way less if it start to feel like work.

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Agree, some of us have kids and obligations that leaves little time to be able to spend behind a screen.
And even if and when we do, at least for me, I like to relax through play.
Sure sometimes you try to beat times, our own, but most of the time we want the former.
Speaking for myself but I guess more people can identify.

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Sure :slight_smile:
I can totally relat to this, esp. if you have only your Sat. Evening and/or Sunday Afternoon.
But even if it might be a bit of a hassle, it is still the best you can do :slight_smile: :sunflower:

The Speedfarmer, just cares about his main Paragon, while all the Augments are a Byproduct.
The Casual on the other Hand, has norm. his 8-10 K Mainstat.
So the 6500 Mainstat is way more important for him, as for someone who already has quite a lot.

It might be a bit boring. Sure.
But in the End, it makes not even more sense, but helps him even more, than someone, who has a Group.

When a new season start, i only play the journey. I don’t augment anything. except the 50 augment for the journey. When the journey is done, i go back to normal mode. In this mode, i try to have continuously ± 50 gems upgraded to 120 and ready to be used for augment.

I like that all the augments on a character are at the same level (+600 for now).

That’s why i don’t augment in season mode because it’s too time consuming for me.