Firebird 2p ignite issues

The main issue with this ignite thing boils down to certain enemy types. Specifically I’ve noticed that those Morlu who petrify when they take enough damage. Normally with other builds this isn’t much of an issue because they die quickly regardless. However when they petrify themselves, they become unignited and you have to reignite them to deal damage.

Is this intended? Needing to reignite enemies slows down gameplay pacing much more than with other builds. This in turn results clearing floors with plenty of Morlu becoming much more toilsome.


Not necessarily intended, but possibly just a weird mechanic interaction.

For what it’s worth, I think this has always happened with Firebird’s. Also used to happen with the old version of Orlash. The Firebird’s burn effect would drop off when he disappeared.

You can see it happen in this old video I have from season 1. Around the 11:25 mark. You can see he has the burn, disappears, and doesn’t have the burn for a few seconds once he comes back before I tag him again.

I think it’s basically always happened with every version of the Firebird’s burn/ignite mechanic. Enemies that temporarily disappear or turn to stone like Morlu’s will lose the burn effect after their state change, even though it’s supposed to be permanent.

I’d probably just call it a weird mechanic interaction. Maybe a bug, maybe intended. Unlikely to be fixed.