Fire Birds kind of underwhelming

So the stacks are roughly scaling with attack speed. They seem to drop just as fast as soon as you stop the Channel. The 6 piece proc seems pretty weak with anything other than explosive blast on T16.

MM:Conflagrate seemed to randomly one shot elites. Maybe it was a CoE fluke.

Anyone getting good play out of it?

Also, I’m pretty tired of channeling. This set is channel 100%. :-/

Feeling more like Fire Chicken over immolation Phoenix


Firebird 6-piece feels like pretty weak. i tried it with meteor shower and t16 was pretty rough.

EDIT: I tried with the old etched sigil that is not working for the 6-piece proc.


at gr 100 i killed an elite in seconds and another elite took several minutes it feels very inconsistent




Not much common sense of foresight or INTERNAL PLAYTESTING went into ths one, eh?

Business as usual

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That is disappointing. I was hoping the stacks would be - if not permanent per floor - then at least lasting a decent amount of time, allowing us to max it and then bomb with the second fire spell. Sigh.

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Yeah, I was surprised. Drops super fast. No delay.


It even drops a stack when you break the channeling by casting Teleport, that’s bullsh… ehm, let’s stay polite. It clearly needs a grace period before dropping and the six piece buff needs more oomph to be an option.
Not sure how this plays out with 2 ten headed Fire Hydras or dual Mammoths. But everything besides Explosive Blast cannot really make use of the 6-piece this way

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It seems to work best in combination with Arcane Torrent - Flame Ward, as Arcane Torrent is a barrage of several missiles, so it basically hits multiple times.

The F6 bonus does not trigger from Hydra - unruned, as well as from Blazing Hydra and Mammoth Hydra. And it neither triggers from Blizzard Apocalypse and Wave of Force - Heat Wave.

It might actually also work very well with the fire rune from Electrocute if you combine it with the two Wizard items that increase the Attack Speed of your Primary Skills by 50% each.

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So I’ve tested the new Firebird set.


  • It’s much easier to ignite enemies compared to previous iterations
  • You can use any Disintegrate rune to ignite enemies, I prefer using Chaos Nexus
  • Combustion stacks are easy to build
  • At max combustion stacks, teleport (with wormhole rune) is nearly completely spammable


  • Just like the previous iteration, your damage reduction and damage bonus is tied to having enemies ignited, so if you kill ignited enemies, you lose those bonuses instantly
  • Enemies lose Ignited debuff if you travel too far from them
  • There’s no indicator to show if you ignited enemies (icon above skillbar), the only visual cues is the markings that appear on top of enemies heads, which can be missed in the middle of combat
  • While Combustion stacks are easy to build, they also are easy to lose (as in they decrease fast)
  • You’re stuck channeling nearly the entire time using the set, only stopping in order to teleport or cast your secondary fire skill.
    • During that time, you stopped, you lose combustion stacks and some damage as a result.
  • The Damage of the 6 piece bonus is inconsistent, I tried it out with Mammoth Hydra, Meteor Shower, and Explosive Blast. Sometimes I kill things instantly, sometimes I don’t even tickle them.
  • Even at 50 combustion stacks, teleport still has a slight cooldown (not surprising I suppose considering that’s the same case with Aether Walker).
  • The set revolves around Disintegration (another Channeling skills)

Suggestions for improvements ( numbers are merely placeholders ):

  • Change the 2 piece bonus so that instead of Disintegrate being able to ignite enemies, all fire skills can ignite enemies.

  • Change the 4 piece bonus of needing to ignite enemies in order to gain damage and damage reduction to needing to cast a fire spell to gain damage reduction for a time instead. For example:

    • 4 piece bonus - Casting a fire spell reduces the damage you take by XX% for 10 seconds.

  • Also have the combustion effect changed to players gaining some combustion stacks when they cast a fire spell, and if they actually damage a monster with a fire spell, they gain the maximum number of Combustion stacks. Also don’t have the combustion stacks drop rapidly, instead have it where the player would lose 5 combustion stacks every 5 seconds or so. For example:

    • 4 piece bonus- Casting a fire skill reduces the damage you take by XX% for 10 seconds and grants you 5 combustion stacks, up 50 stacks. If you damage an enemy with a fire skill, you gain 50 stacks. Reduce the cooldown of Teleport by 5% for each combustion stack.

  • Change the 6 piece bonus so that players do not inflict more damage against ignited enemies, instead have it so that players gain bonus damage for a time when they ignite an enemy or damage an ignited enemy:

    • 6 piece bonus - Igniting an enemy or damaging an ignited enemy with a fire skill increases your fire attacks by 15,000% for 10 seconds

So the set would read as something like:

2 piece bonus: When you die, a meteor falls from the sky and revives you. Fire skills Ignite enemies, causing them to take 3000% weapon damage per second until they die.

4 piece bonus: Casting a fire skill reduces the damage you take by XX% for 10 seconds and grants you 5 combustion stacks, up 50 stacks. If you damage an enemy with a fire skill, you gain 50 stacks. Reduce the cooldown of Teleport by 5% for each combustion stack.

6 piece bonus: Igniting an enemy or attacking an ignited enemy with a fire skill increases your fire damage by 15,000% for 10 seconds

Doing it this way would not only maintain the playstyle that I believe the developers were envisioning, but also allow room for players to try other skills besides channeling. Last note, just because I’d want for more playstyles besides channeling, doesn’t mean I’m asking for the developers to nerf channeling even more so. Just had to throw that out there.

That’s it from me for now, I’ll continue to test it out later.


I like the combustion-ignite proc idea, but it definitely needs reworked. Magic missile conflagrate literally outperformed everything except explosive blast that I tried. It wasn’t fun and I was very hit or miss.

I hope they tweak it some. Lots of potential

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Interesting how it is affected by different skills. Proc coefficients perhaps?

I tried it with Meteor Shower (+ legacy Etched Sigil) and it was extremely underwhelming. I could barely tickle enemies.

Guess I’ll have to try it with some other skills tomorrow.

I really hope they fix the Tal6/FB4 interaction, that completely sidesteps the purpose of the set existing. It’s the same situation we used to have with Tal6/Vyr4 when Vyr’s got buffed. No one will use FB6 if Tal6/FB4 is just way more powerful.


I thought the same too about the proc coefficient. Will try with mirror ball too I guess

Yeah, 100% agree about the Tak/FB combo.


I haven’t tried a pure FB yet. Went with the Tals6/FB4 first.

In unoptimized gear, no Cals and P1900 did 110gr in 3 minutes with a buff meteor and infinite calamity build. Plays identical to old school Tals, accept I was sitting at 1.8b toughness and slightly different skill setup.

The devs stepped in it on this one.

I really like ignited enemies take X% damage from fire skills that was mentioned. It has to match or exceed the 8000% buff off tal, and proc consistently to even be comparable and even then it won’t have the 100% increased all res.

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Hydra - unruned, as well as Blazing Hydra and Mammoth Hydra do not trigger the 6piece bonus, and neither do Blizzard - Apocalypse and Wave of Force - Heat Wave.

At least on Heat Wave I think it is a bug, though Blizzard - Apocalypse, unruned Hydra an the initial hit of Blazing Hydra should proc it as well imo.

I can understand why they might not want to have Blazing Hydra and Mammoth Hydra procing the 6piece bonus, because it would probably cause server issues with all the Area Damage procs going of.

Not sure if Blizzard would also cause so much trouble for the servers, but it already is in the Hydra set.

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Please report it here if you haven’t do so.

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It does.

Like others, I have seen some pretty inconsistent procs on everything. Defense as well as damage. You can get Electrocute to hit fast enough that is overcomes the random no proc.

That said, the defense is… odd. I have Karini up, the set’s bonus up, and Aquila all up and then got one shot. Since I was only doing Tier X, I would expect Karini and Aquila to do enough, but nope, the 2P went off all of the sudden.

It is definitely buggy.

That said, the gameplay is kind of “meh” to me. Disintegrate does it job just fine, but getting the 6P to do its job feels all out of wack. It is not the inconsistency either that is making me feel that. It is the quick drop of stacks and how I have to very quickly spam a second ability while hoping I do not let my stack fall too low. If the twisters were fair game for it, I would have much better opinion.

The teleport part depending on the same stacks is not fun either. The idea is nice, but, once again, doing a teleport feels like you are making yourself weaker very quickly.

This all adds up to feeling like you are punished for using the mechanics based off of the stacks.


Nice work Oblivion, a suggestion would be to have the stacks drop of in the range of 5 per second that way we get 10 sec.
Also the phrase as long as you have stacks up you get the damage reduction would be nice.
Lastly you nerfed the set :wink: Please add the 4000% damage to the 6pcs with the stack requirement.

I watched wudijo/Raxx and as expected, Tal/FB is completely broken (4 minute 4-man 150 with 1 dps). Too bad that we’ll lose weeks of precious testing due to this oversight and we risk being served an underwhelming, untested FB variant.

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Not sure how/if 6 set bonus is working it deals Ignite damage x stacks = 3000 x 50, whatever another fire skil you use? its not logic to do skill damage you use x … ?
tested it with Meteor, that big damage fire rune but Meteor hit was no damage…

Am I reading the 4 piece bonus correct that it works like this?

  • cast a fire skill, get 80% DR which persist for 10 seconds and get 5 combustion stacks
  • cast a fire skill AND hit/damage an enemy, get 80% DR which persists for 10 seconds and get 50 combustion stacks?

Would seems that in difficulty level where everything does not die in one hit that you would have 100% up time (minus internal cdr) with teleport which seems somewhat excessive imo. I’d rather see that hitting/damaging an enemy also gets you 5 combustion stacks.

That doesn’t address the falling off the combutions stacks I’ve read about so I’d add the following: Combutions stacks are consumed on using a fire skill or expire after 10 seconds.