Fire Ally bugged against Perendi

This bug happened when i faced Perendi. When i popped the skill, Fire Allies just did nothing and stand for awhile, then explosive or they just completely did nothing, then disappear. It happened sometimes on other mobtypes as well.


Same here. At a Perendi fight the Fire Allies did not explode. A channeling Pylon was active so i could spam the explosion but nothing happend. The Allies stayed in their explosion form for the 2 min fight. They were active all the time, following me when dashing out and go back in fight to perdendi when i do, but wont explode. I think it was they 2x4 CLONED allies only, so the 2 base Allies worked as intended (but not sure).
It was a strange fight 20 Allies surrounding a boss for such a long time. I hoped the “bugged” Allies disappear after 15 sec and I get some working properly… but no^^

I play solo and explode the Allies on the CoE cycle so i can track the explosions very well and i assume there is a general explosion bug!!! But at Perndi it was 100%

Oh, it was NO problem with terrain blocking the clones or something else.
I also don’t think the Perndi knockback is the problem (Allies not CCed)

I have confirmed this as well… It’s extremely annoying as the INNA build does not necessarily have a lot of toughness or good resets on mystic ally. Often dying to Perendi.

My allies did attack perendi one time but i had to auto teleport him out of range… not sure if they were attacking the adds and the splash hit or if they finally targetted after the move.

Yup, it’s really annoying. Because Fire allies are fun as hell to play otherwise, especially in solo GR speeds. You can still kill Perendi with fire ally auto attacks and it doesn’t take forever (still like 10 times longer than other RG which you can onseshot basically) but it would be need if this gets fixed…

The fire allies will target the adds, you can see this here in the last section of my video:

I’m really only able to clear efficiently in that clip because of Power pylon. Kill times for this build are typically 3-10s. Perendi makes it often 1m+.

Same here, first noticed it on Perendi because they were not exploding constantly, but then again on other bosses multiple times they did not explode. Annoying becuse in speeds you’re not that thanky and and allies are on long cdr on RG after failed explosion :confused:

It seems to be bad against tall enemies in general. Perendi being the worst case scenario.

So no news about this?