Finaly found Cosmic Wings

I can’t say I’ve been actively looking for the Cosmic Wings, bug everytime I ran across a rainbow gob i got a little excited. Like maybe this is the time I will finally find them.

Well today i finaly did. I was so excited and quickly put them on my Barbarian.

Made him look like Tinkerbell. They were so dang underwelming. What a waste on such a rare item.


Congratulations :tada:


My search continues :slight_smile:

Grats, and yeah, they do look funky on a Barb.

Out of curiosity, where did the portal open? Where in which act did you find the rainbow?

I found them in Halls of Agony Level 3 about 4 or 5 seasons ago.

Act 2 Desolate sands in the cave level 1

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And the Falcon wings make Barb look like a pigeon on steroids lol - that’s clearly an improvement over a demented butterfly.

I can only imagine that… I’m assuming it’s a female barb :wink:

Congrats on that, anyway.

After many years of looking for this, I just lied to myself that cosmic wings is a myth that will never exist in my loot.

In my opinion Cosmic Wings only fit female wizards, but maybe with a matching set they could fit other classes too. That being said, I would love to have falcon’s wings for my male barb, but my lack of luck makes me doubt it. My RNG is cursed.

Congrats! How many rainbow gobs did it take you to find them? It took me about 100 if I remember well. By the way these wings are beautiful but look ridiculous on a barbarian :slight_smile: … I usually put them on my female demon hunter and my female wizard (perfect fit with the archonte transformation!)

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Pretty sure these wings were designed with Wizards and maybe DH’s in mind.

The best wings for any class IMHO are the ones that come with the Necromancer pack (both default and red ones).

As does mine.

Cosmic Wings are the manifestation of the D3 devs ignorance towards the former titles of the franchise :woman_shrugging:

I am so glad that Jay “Shut up, PvP guy! Eat unicorn poop!” Wilson will never be involved into any Diablo game again :partying_face:

Just guessing, but at least 150

That wings (crypt guardian) are my favorite wings in the whole game, though I only use them with my Necro main.

Personally, though I have the Cosmic Wings, I prefer the Galaxy Wings that came as a season reward a couple of seasons back.

Gold, dragon-like, the cosmos swirling within…yes please.


My search continues… up to 409 portals now :frowning:

*eats Cosmic Wings*


After 7600 para then this

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